omg I'm so fuckin crazy. I should legally change my name to CWG. I'LL DO IT! I'M CRAZY!!!
I went to Big Lots! again cuz I needed to return this crappy expensive wig I bought that looked like shit. It's a mistake to go on a Saturday, especially the one in the mexican part of the ghetto. Ugh I stood in line forever then this lady was like "Oh you need to go over there". So I stood in line forever again! This bitch was rude and snappy but I finally got my refund. Then I went and got more Halloween and pen pal stuff. I'm so obsessed! I fucking love Halloween BIG TIME. I bet you didn't know that
Then stood in line LONGER to check out. I pretty much went to get a toilet plunger cuz our toilet is fucked up. Ugh. They didn't have any so I got a bunch of other stuff. I only actually spent like $10 cuz I had a $7 refund. Fuck yeah!
Ben went to his dads to watch the TX OU game. Football sucks. I try to get into it sometimes but it's just loud and annoying and stupid. I don't care if TX wins or loses, I have no team spirit for my own town
So I have the house to myself. I got some neat crafty stuff so I'm gonna do that and listen to some 80s music or something.
I'M GONNA GO CHECK THE MAIL! I'M SO EXCITED!!! I got the utility bill yesterday so hopefully I don't get any bills. *crosses fingers*

I went to Big Lots! again cuz I needed to return this crappy expensive wig I bought that looked like shit. It's a mistake to go on a Saturday, especially the one in the mexican part of the ghetto. Ugh I stood in line forever then this lady was like "Oh you need to go over there". So I stood in line forever again! This bitch was rude and snappy but I finally got my refund. Then I went and got more Halloween and pen pal stuff. I'm so obsessed! I fucking love Halloween BIG TIME. I bet you didn't know that

Then stood in line LONGER to check out. I pretty much went to get a toilet plunger cuz our toilet is fucked up. Ugh. They didn't have any so I got a bunch of other stuff. I only actually spent like $10 cuz I had a $7 refund. Fuck yeah!
Ben went to his dads to watch the TX OU game. Football sucks. I try to get into it sometimes but it's just loud and annoying and stupid. I don't care if TX wins or loses, I have no team spirit for my own town

So I have the house to myself. I got some neat crafty stuff so I'm gonna do that and listen to some 80s music or something.
I'M GONNA GO CHECK THE MAIL! I'M SO EXCITED!!! I got the utility bill yesterday so hopefully I don't get any bills. *crosses fingers*

And I've been picking up some pen pal stuff so surprises are forthcoming.