last weekend i went to delaware to visit my sister. you see, my brother in law is a professor at the big learning institution down there and he was just granted tenure. to all non-academics, that means he couldn't get fired if he died trying. sounds boring? well, it might have been. it was nice to see some family, and chat about the this's and thats. BUT my sister, however, happens to be one of milo aukerman's best friends. his wife just so happens to work in academia as well and the two couples hit it off. so i did what i do every time i go to delaware. i geek it hard. it doesn't matter how many times you have the same conversations about the band, or coffee machines, or genetically altered plants, i still geek out.
we actually haven't played them. I've met a number of the Long Island Girls. We didn't have a picnic but we did have a nice open skate.