ok. so i've been working on some music videos as of late. we did this one that premiered yesterday on MTV's TRL and one that will premiere tomorrow. the first one is for a band called alll time low. the video is super fun and the guys are pretty rad too.
so, they invite us (myself and my friend travis, the director) to go to... Read More
I'm a big boy and sometimes i do things out of the kindness of my heart and expect no reward.
I haven't gotten a thimble full of credit for driving the ex and her completely ungrateful pain in the ass of a sister 8 fucking hours in the pouring rain.
and that was only one way!
i could even be fine with no recognition... Read More
what a fuckin weekend!
thursday i stayed out just a bit too late.
i remained drunk until 3pm on friday... which could always be interpreted as fun if i didn't have to work in an office at 10am. got there at noon and blamed my spaceyness on cold medicine. everyone seemed to buy my story until one of the owners of the company approached my... Read More
ok... i'm not the best flyer. i used to be golden, but lately i suck.
i panic a bit. i try not to, but hey, some people are afraid of pickles.
i was once in a plane that crash landed in a field, since then i've become a ball of nerves.
it wasn't a little puddle jumper either, it was a fucking 747.
the poilot... Read More
wow. thankfully i've never had any trouble on countless flights. a plane crash in a field...that's a little bizarre and i'm definately happy i wasn't there. when did that happen? my best friend seriously (and openly) freaks out when we're on flights. when flying to europe last year we had to get her drugged up so she would stop scaring all of the other passengers.
well, no cute guys have come by to visit me yet, but i'm not giving up hope. ha. thankfully i've gotten some world travelling done, but it's time to pay rent again.
so it's no fucking secret that that OJ Simpson fella murdererd his wife and some dude.
BUT, i have come across a bootleg copf of his amazing book(stolen indesign file) and i must say...
in NO way does he try to defend himself.
in summation:
I hate the bitch, she wants me back, i'm gonna kill the bitch...
holy shit!!??!!
i have a feeling that this summer is a part of the conspiracy to end all things.
now that i have steady work, my social life is confined to certain days of the week/weekend. since the first day that the mercury risen past the 70 degree mark, i have not made it home on one of those days before the sun has come up...
There it is.
I've just finished registering the 2nd draft of my 3rd feature length screenplay. it feels as though I've accomplished a whole fuck of a lot today. i am now going to drink myself into forgetting that i ever wrote the damn thing in the first place.
if you need to find me... put up the bat signal at about 1 AM, by... Read More
Oh man, what a bummer. Their release party is in NYC on July 1st, so you can still go see 'em. I convinced Rob to take me on their European tour this summer, I'm pretty excited. xxx
my apartment got robbed so i fucking missed halloween! fuck that. but... my landlord has the whole thing on tape so the motherfucker was put away in less than 24 hours. break and entry, burgulary, criminal mischief.
i am on drugs.... Read More
That movie looks pretty damn cool. I'll have to check it out when it makes it's way up here.
Is that think vid you were talking about the one where drehobl skates to holiday in cambodia and destroys the china banks in SF? If so, that is one of my favorite video parts of all time.