The weekend has been all right but I was at this club event that my station does last night and some chick kept givin me the eye. But I don't realize what could have been until it's too late. I didn't know what to do. So my friends and I were standing outside after waiting for some people that we were going to party with when I saw her again. And yet again I was too dumb to go up to her and talk so my drunk ass tells my buddy that I would like to meet her. He goes up to her and gets her...brings her over to me and introduces us. For one thing, I don't remember her name and another...her brother and his gf were standing right there fighting. I tried getting her to go and party with us which she declined cuz of the bro and bro's gf. I then proceeded to get a phone number. She was just saying "akward situation cuz of my brother right there." She kept saying that she sees me at the club every Saturday. I dont't know what's wrong with me that I haven't noticed her before. I do know that she'll be back there again Saturday....I don't know where I"m going with this but if anyone can help...please do.
Talk to you soon and take good care.
and i'm glad i'm on your list. the more attractive people that like me the better