I am new here to SG. My girlfriends roommate mentioned it last year, and needing a place to hang out and write, I decided to sign up.
Just for a bit of background for everyone, I'm an Anthropology (study of humans and human culture) and Journalism student at Central Michigan University. I was born in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, meaning I came from a christian conservative small town. Yay for me. Bout 1500 people in the town and like fucking 17 churches....It's insane. But anyway, my parents were non-practicing christians(ie. believe in god but FUCK organized religion) and I ended up becoming some kind of fucked of mix of Agnostic/Athiest/Nihlism/Humanist.
I played hockey for 13 years...whoop de fucking do. Lot that matters now that I'm in college. I was like the only nerd in my pot smoking alcoholic pregnant class of 68, so my highschool years were spent hanging out with my current roommates who are 3-4 years older than me.
I'm into D&D and shit like that when I'm not schooling or working. I spend a lot of time over at my girlfriends place, been dating her for a year and things are great.
Current Mood:Bored....couldn't go home today because of snowstorm
Current Music: The Revolution Smile-Bonethrower
Just for a bit of background for everyone, I'm an Anthropology (study of humans and human culture) and Journalism student at Central Michigan University. I was born in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, meaning I came from a christian conservative small town. Yay for me. Bout 1500 people in the town and like fucking 17 churches....It's insane. But anyway, my parents were non-practicing christians(ie. believe in god but FUCK organized religion) and I ended up becoming some kind of fucked of mix of Agnostic/Athiest/Nihlism/Humanist.
I played hockey for 13 years...whoop de fucking do. Lot that matters now that I'm in college. I was like the only nerd in my pot smoking alcoholic pregnant class of 68, so my highschool years were spent hanging out with my current roommates who are 3-4 years older than me.
I'm into D&D and shit like that when I'm not schooling or working. I spend a lot of time over at my girlfriends place, been dating her for a year and things are great.
Current Mood:Bored....couldn't go home today because of snowstorm
Current Music: The Revolution Smile-Bonethrower
~>Jay Jay