Why don't things ever happen like they do in movies? Why can't I get a happy ending (of the non-pervy kind; although those are nice too), just once? We grow up watching movies, not even realizing we have been lied to the whole time. Frankly, it pisses me off to see such shit in movies time and time again when real life never follows suit.
The man never comes to his senses and makes some grand gesture to win the love of his life back. He doesn't track her down come hell or high water and profess his love after he's spent almost the entire movie being a complete dick. Loverboy doesn't decide on day while sipping coffee and surfing the 'net for porn that he can't live without you. That he can't live without your smile or your smell or the funny way you bite your lip when you're playing "Stubbs the Zombie" on X-Box. He never makes that sober phone call to say that he misses you and he made a mistake. It just doesn't happen people, so forget what you see in the movies.
I think these movies are written by women with total princess fanasties. It just doesn't happen like that in life. Maybe you're one of the lucky 0.009% of the people who can say "Yes, it does. I'm proof!" If you are that person, consider yourself lucky. For the rest of us, we are clinging to a fantasy that these things happen, even when you know the relationship is better off under six feet of dirt and an exorcism ceremony.
The man never comes to his senses and makes some grand gesture to win the love of his life back. He doesn't track her down come hell or high water and profess his love after he's spent almost the entire movie being a complete dick. Loverboy doesn't decide on day while sipping coffee and surfing the 'net for porn that he can't live without you. That he can't live without your smile or your smell or the funny way you bite your lip when you're playing "Stubbs the Zombie" on X-Box. He never makes that sober phone call to say that he misses you and he made a mistake. It just doesn't happen people, so forget what you see in the movies.
I think these movies are written by women with total princess fanasties. It just doesn't happen like that in life. Maybe you're one of the lucky 0.009% of the people who can say "Yes, it does. I'm proof!" If you are that person, consider yourself lucky. For the rest of us, we are clinging to a fantasy that these things happen, even when you know the relationship is better off under six feet of dirt and an exorcism ceremony.
I still prefer series (preferrably with demons and chicks with superpowers) to movies... at least you can find those on TV for free.
But hey, someday maybe, you'll get your happy ending.