Well, this is kind of funny... I meant to post a picture to the board in a spoiler, but I didn't really know how to do it right so once again anyone who has me on their friend list probably got a little surprise since they can all see all the pictures I post. All I can say is let me know If you liked...
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ha. um, yeah, i noticed. you need to get some new material, i'm getting tired of that picture! wink

I'm going to Little Rock in 7 hours. surreal


well I'm going to Asheville tomorrow. like usual I feel like the trip starts about 12 hours before I actually leave. I'm going to be all over the place for the next two weeks and when it's over, I'll be right back here in my apartment chilling out and searching through the hopefuls section of SG. I'll just have more connections.

untill then... wink

All day I think about it, then at night I say it.
Where did I come from, and what am I supposed to be doing?
I have no idea.
My soul is from elsewhere, I'm sure of that,
and I intend to end up there.

...but who is it now in my ear who hears my voice?
Who says words with my mouth?

--Rumi surreal
Wow, I've been on this sight for almost a year now, and the new set by Antigone is no question the best one I've seen...and I've been known to browse the archives quite a bit as well. What makes it so great? It's gotta be those big brown eyes.

So here are my top five sets of all time: (drumroll please...)

1. Antigone

2 &...
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Ok I'm happy to tell everyone that my new crush is on Jenny Lewis of Rilo Kiley.

She's amazing. blush
Crazyghost...so why am I a crazy ghost? Because it's like i'm invisible. I do crazy things, and nobody can tell.


yeah we should go out soon. Like Thursday night or Friday night. ARRR!!!
hm, that's actually do-able. friday more than thursday for me, i think. thursday i think i have a work thing that's running late-ish.

Apocalypto...that movie is fucked up! eeek

I'm so jealous of suicide girls...i'm jealous of girls in general. Really, you girls can post pictures of yourself all you want, and get all the attention. All the compliments, all the attention. If you're just an average looking female you might think, "I'm not going to post any pictures today because I'm tired of all the comments I get..."

On the other side of...
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you know, that idea we discussed a while back.... we never did anything with that little idea.

i bet if we followed through with it, you'd get some attention wink

(i was planning on going to maine to the beach on saturday, if you're going to be around perhaps i could bring my camera and stop by and we could brainstorm some more ideas....)

Herbs. Not like rosemary and thyme, I mean Herbs, ( like short for "Herbert"). A herb is a person with an inflated sense of self importance, a living monument to all that is banal.

We all have herbs in our life, we all see them everyday. Jeebus knows I have herbs lingering about on a daily basis, the bane of my exestence, mocking my very...
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What a day...I just went from working 60 hours a week to working about 30. In Three weeks I'm going climbing in West Virginia, and a week later I go back to class. Ultimate Disc all weekend.... smile

I fee like doing something crazy...
funny, i was gonna call you tonight to see if you wanted to go to a show. figured you'd be out in the woods, tho.

(went to the bar, never saw the show because a hot -- HAWT -- lesbian was buying me drinks all night. mmmmm.... not sure i want to go there but goddamn, the grrl was convincing!)

Talk about Epic...I just got the Fratellis' new album and it blew my F'**in' mind. I understand it's not the kind of music everyone would love, but for some reason it suits me just right. Like a lot of good albums, the radio song is the only low point. The rest is like cheesecake for my ears...

I also picked up Gimme Fiction by Spoon, another gem. And the last album by the New Pornographers called twin cinema is like an auditoury eargasm every time I put it on. Can't seem to ever grow tired of it although I know eventually one day I finally will...

Everybody should "throw in their two cents"; what's the best album/show you've seen in the past year?