I'm pretty bummed out today. Of course I decide to write in this blog because this is where I let myself be really emo for some reason. Probably because I see so many others just vent about their issues here.
So I've had days where i can't get up before, and that's very shitty. Today I couldn't get up until 7:30 at night. So what's...
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If you read this, you should send me an IM

Just thought I'd write here since I haven't written for a while. As usual my job is going great but I'm still completely bored all the time. Mostly because I work so much and go to school so much. I think when I finish school I'll get to do so much more of the stuff I want to. I kind of hate school right now....
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I will probably move to Arizona. Someone I care about very much is there! 
what do I hate huh? god EVERYTHING!!!! I have been here my whole life but have traveled so I KNOW whats out there!
and yes, its all fixed! I am set to roll on SUNDAY!
Jebus i am nervous!

what do I hate huh? god EVERYTHING!!!! I have been here my whole life but have traveled so I KNOW whats out there!

and yes, its all fixed! I am set to roll on SUNDAY!
Jebus i am nervous!
Glad to hear you feel better. So where do you want to go in AZ? I used to live in Tempe and had a terrible time there. I wish I went to Flagstaff instead. Tempe was so flat and hot I almost went crazy
Glad to hear you feel better. So where do you want to go in AZ? I used to live in Tempe and had a terrible time there. I wish I went to Flagstaff instead. Tempe was so flat and hot I almost went crazy

This is my rant against the town of my residence:
Durham, New Hampshire should be considered part of Massachusetts. Forget for a second what characterizes a Massachusetts town. People from Oregon can relate to what I'm talking about: It's disconcerting when people from a state just to the south start flocking to your area like a pack of wild aardvarks.
It's official: UNH is now...
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Durham, New Hampshire should be considered part of Massachusetts. Forget for a second what characterizes a Massachusetts town. People from Oregon can relate to what I'm talking about: It's disconcerting when people from a state just to the south start flocking to your area like a pack of wild aardvarks.
It's official: UNH is now...
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aliens are a purpley-blue? cool...

Thanks for your comment on my last set, I'm glad you liked it! 

I should be camping right now.
Oh well, I am staying in Boston this whole week starting Monday. Maybe this will add some excitement to my preposterously monotonous existence

You're monotonous existence has got nothin' on mine...
"At the innermost core of all loneliness is a deep and powerful yearning for union with one's lost self."
Brendan Francis
"I know the night is not the same as the day: that all things are different, that the things of the night cannot be explained in the day, because they do not then exist, and the night can be a dreadful time for lonely...
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Jen, you will not believe this. The people at my work are being absolute fucktards and don't want me to have any fun in my life whatsoever. For three weeks in a row they canceled my trips. As soon as I tell them I want the weekend off they go all out to make the trips happen so I will have to work. DIABOLICAL FIENDS!!!
I was definitely going to call in for one day but I don't know if I can really call in for two days that I had requested off. I would just as soon quit but I don't have another job yet. There will be revenge, there will be retribution for these actions. I WILL HAVE MY COMEUPPANCE!
Anyways, if anything changes I will let you know but it looks doubtful. My plan is to take back my weekends since they have been canceling all my trips anyways...so you and me and Beth will have to go camping sometime soon
Jen, you will not believe this. The people at my work are being absolute fucktards and don't want me to have any fun in my life whatsoever. For three weeks in a row they canceled my trips. As soon as I tell them I want the weekend off they go all out to make the trips happen so I will have to work. DIABOLICAL FIENDS!!!

I was definitely going to call in for one day but I don't know if I can really call in for two days that I had requested off. I would just as soon quit but I don't have another job yet. There will be revenge, there will be retribution for these actions. I WILL HAVE MY COMEUPPANCE!

Anyways, if anything changes I will let you know but it looks doubtful. My plan is to take back my weekends since they have been canceling all my trips anyways...so you and me and Beth will have to go camping sometime soon

no worries, some other time. beth and i are gonna take a roadtrip to MA MoCA instead. enjoy your weekend!
I need some love

I almost called you on my way home from upstate NY today, as I was wandering through the back roads of NH trying to find a shortcut around 93's horrific traffic of doom, but I had been in the car for 5+ hours at that point and was eager to just get home and shower and see the kitties.
But, we still need to plan our day at the aquarium, yeah?

I almost called you on my way home from upstate NY today, as I was wandering through the back roads of NH trying to find a shortcut around 93's horrific traffic of doom, but I had been in the car for 5+ hours at that point and was eager to just get home and shower and see the kitties.
But, we still need to plan our day at the aquarium, yeah?
yeah we really do. let me know what days work for you and I'll meet you there
yeah we really do. let me know what days work for you and I'll meet you there

Crazy but I'm already looking forward to the fall. I just want to be surrounded by people again.
In a year and a half I should be moving to somewhere between Portland and Seattle. That is the official plan. Fuck snow, fuck the cold, fuck this boring town. I want to be able to get some food after 10 PM.

he's so much more handsome when he's not hiding under the bed!