I'm downloading Dixie Chicks MP3s by the dozen...
I wish we'd met up for that rally on Saturday; I didn't stay long, felt alone n out of place. I don't know exactly how I feel about this whole thing either...I think it'd be great to get rid of Hussein. I also think it'd be great to get rid of Bush!
I felt intimidated by the anarchist kids...but I shoulda tried to hang out with them. They probably woulda thought I was a tool of the man, but hell I always liked the anarchists best in Homage to Catalonia....
In all honesty, I slept right trhough most of the rally, then I had to go to work. Working the night shift has made me largely useless for many things.
new shoe premonition!

I'm taking baby steps in my favorite shoes
Um, no it isn't. BAD sex is overrated.
The only time I had dental work without anaesthetic, the dentist slipped off my tooth with the drill and sliced through the underside of my tongue. I had to have 2 stitches. Never again, never again.

New shoes are great. I sometimes feel like a bitch because I have about 15 pair.
My Email provider (separate from my ISP cos I have DSL) went down for a little more than a week... but I just checked it and it's finally back up!

I actually checked it for one last time before beginning to look for a new one... now I have 72 messages to catch up on. Most of those will have to wait until after work...
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I'm being laconic lately
I admit it I had to look that word up.

[Edited on Jan 30, 2003]
right. laconic. im pretty sure i dont know what that means. does it mean lazy?
Further geek confessional: I've been using Kazaa to download Anime lately-- stuff friends had shown me the first few episodes and I never saw the rest until now. First was Cowboy Bebop, which was great but ended much more depressingly than I had expected. Then on to Neon Genesis Evangelion. I'd only seen it up to "Magma Diver" before...

Just watched the last two episodes...
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I'm a master of evangelion. Feel free to ask me questions. Escaflowne was good, but the movie was much better. Watch the series before the movie or it will be boring. I'd also recommend Nadesico if you are a fan of comedy. Trigun is excellent too. Berserk if you like straight action. Love Hina if you want a great comedy to watch with girls. Kare Kano is also good on that line, an interesting note, it was made by the same people who did eva. I highly recommend Initial D, but you will start getting tickets once you watch it. And Slam Dunk will make you want to play basketball. Lots and lots of basketball. I also recommend: Ayashi no Ceres, Hellsing, Noir, Scryed, .hack/sign, chobits, Arc the Lad, Utena, Neoranga, Abenobashi Mahou Shoutengai, Irresponsible Captain Tylor, Fushigi Yuugi, Argent Soma, Candidate for Goddess, Vandread, Bastard, Goldenboy. Key the metal idol, Flame of Recca, Tenshi ni Narumon, FLCL, Ah My Goddess!, To Heart, Comic Party, Iketeru Futari, Cooking Master Boy, Full Metal Panic, Platinum Hugen Ordian, Niea Under Seven, and Sakura Diaries. This is by no means a complete list of course, but it's something to get you started. If you want names of good movies, let me know, as these are all series or OVAs.
-Ja ne
cowboy bebop has the best intro ever!! but yes it is depressing.
Well I'm off!

Goin' to visit the fam. Probably won't be able to check the site terribly often whie I'm there. I'll be back on Friday... can't wait to see what'll be waiting for me here!

Be good, kids...
psssssssst -
Join SGDC/CC......

and/or SGphilly

in "groups" - see the button onthe title bar?
Time for Bob to geek out horrendously:

GODDAMN am I loving this season of Buffy! Last year was a bit of a clinker, but now they have me going... I'm excited! I'm hooked! I haven't been this excited about the show since the third season!

Just in time for a full month of reruns...

No matter. I'm going to call all my friends who gave...
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oh my god, there are more zero girls?! this is the best news EVER!

lord... i must find them this weekend or i may just die.
I'll say, interesting, but vegetarianism still hasn't cured my flatulence... flatulence is a sign of healthy metabolism and a proper digestion.
Tired. Have come down with something. Got Thursday off. Must fidure out something to cook for dinner. Got Saturday off. Should go to Philly and drink too much. Need to figure out carpool situation and if I can get back in time to begin late shift in Sunday. Cat whining again. Talking like Rorschach for no apparent reason. Hrm.
Wow... I just realized today is the 4th anniversary of what was possibly the worst day of my life! The fact that I remember is less significant than the fact I didn't notice it coming up.

Gotta go to work. Got talked into working an extra day this week... hell, not like I can't use the money!
Since somebody actually asked, I got the wort dumping of my life. Pretty lame, yeah... I've never had anybody close to me die or anything, so the worst that ever happened was a dumping that I didn't see coming at all, with no explanation offered whatsoever, until two weeks later she finally told me she had fallen in love with a friend of mine... same friend who (get ready for some cheap irony!) invited me to the party where I'd met her.

Tada! Every year it means less to me. This year I couldn't even use it to gauge how long it's been since I so much as kissed a girl... that's nice. (previous dry spell: 3 years, 5 months. current dry spell: 7 months. 1 good week sandwiched in between them. Wonder how long I'll have to wait this time?)

I ended up working 2.5 hours overtime tonight, but I got free pizza and root beer out of the deal, so I'm not about to complain... Not like I have anything else to do with myself on a Friday night! (Except play with the cat until she finally stops whining for attention...)

Jeez, if you want action and excitement, go read bionicfemme's journal! All you'll ever get here is bone-dry self-pity...
thats pretty much all you get in my journals. either that or over dramatic self criticism!
i had a longer dry spell.
4 years in between kisses. my entire four years of high shcool was a dry spell.