I finally saw "Secretary" on Saturday. I thought it dragged a bit toward the end, but I didn't mind terribly. Undeniably one of the hottest mainstream movies I've seen in quite a while... and I was honestly wondering if they'd somehow gotten Corey Feldman to play Peter. The resemblance was uncanny.
I flaked out on getting tickets for last night's Sleater-Kinney show, and of course it was sold out (kicks self). Gah... maybe they won't wait so long before touring again this time (hopehopehope).
What else? I'm applying for a few part-time jobs to help pay rent and get me out of the house a bit more ("It kinda bothers me that I'm never here alone" -housemate), and in my search through the want ads I found this. I printed out an app-- getting paid $200 a pop to wank!? What a great scam!
The app is at least 10 pages long-- they want my entire family's medical history to make sure I'm of good genetic stock, apparently.
I flaked out on getting tickets for last night's Sleater-Kinney show, and of course it was sold out (kicks self). Gah... maybe they won't wait so long before touring again this time (hopehopehope).
What else? I'm applying for a few part-time jobs to help pay rent and get me out of the house a bit more ("It kinda bothers me that I'm never here alone" -housemate), and in my search through the want ads I found this. I printed out an app-- getting paid $200 a pop to wank!? What a great scam!
The app is at least 10 pages long-- they want my entire family's medical history to make sure I'm of good genetic stock, apparently.
what the hell does that mean???
Yeah, I rarely hold grudges, but there are definately people I avoid because i just don't think they're my type (or rather i can tell they are kind of the opposite of my type)