My altruistic snake article came out on November 23! I just noticed today! I wrote it when I was an undergraduate and it was another long, uphill battle to get it accepted anywhere. It's about the evolution of the curious behavior of food-sharing in snakes in China. It is one of the first, perhaps the first, articles published on the idea of polymorphic alleles for altruistic behavior. After I wrote the first draft back in like 2006 my biology professor said "I'd love to get ahold of your mind for 2 or 3 years and see what else we can publish in theoretical biology." So I got my M.S. in Biology and here I am working on my PhD in mathematical/theoretical biology
Cassill D, Hardisty BE and Watkins A. (2011) A 4D natural selection model illuminates the enigma of altruism in the Shedao pit viper. Journal of Bioeconomics.
DOI: 10.1007/s10818-010-9095-4

Cassill D, Hardisty BE and Watkins A. (2011) A 4D natural selection model illuminates the enigma of altruism in the Shedao pit viper. Journal of Bioeconomics.
DOI: 10.1007/s10818-010-9095-4

Thank you Ben. 
