Well, I didn't get into ASU or Nebraska. Oddly, the Nebraska people I interviewed with in Biology just reiterated the complaints about me having too many big ideas. What a surprise, I live with my head in the clouds of esotieric philosophical and mathematical theories and... I have lots of big ideas? Who could ever have guessed such a thing!
On the other hand...it turns out I got into Utah a day after I left! Whoooo! I'm going to be working with Jon Seger, Fred Adler and others. For those of you who are like "Who?" Jon Seger is one of the most famous theoretical biologists alive. He is also one of the most cited biologists alive. He is also really awesome and has a big dog that he feeds pizza to in his lab! Anywho, Seger first achieved fame at Harvard for applying physics models to understanding insect behavior and physiology and evolution. He now does really freaky genetics stuff on various organisms and writes about pretty much whatever interests him. He publishes in "Nature", "Science" and other other top journals so often it's dizzying. Fred Adler is also awesome, he does work applying math to biology, and his interests are anywhere that thinking outside the box is needed to make any progress at all. Lately that means studying lung transplant survival rates, rhinoviruses (aka the Common Cold), army ants, sociopaths and whale genetics. Anyhow, I'm super excited to move out to Salt Lake City this summer and work with such cool people for the next 5 or 6 years. And the salary is great, it also pays my tuition, medical insurance and dental insurance. Sweeet!
On the other hand...it turns out I got into Utah a day after I left! Whoooo! I'm going to be working with Jon Seger, Fred Adler and others. For those of you who are like "Who?" Jon Seger is one of the most famous theoretical biologists alive. He is also one of the most cited biologists alive. He is also really awesome and has a big dog that he feeds pizza to in his lab! Anywho, Seger first achieved fame at Harvard for applying physics models to understanding insect behavior and physiology and evolution. He now does really freaky genetics stuff on various organisms and writes about pretty much whatever interests him. He publishes in "Nature", "Science" and other other top journals so often it's dizzying. Fred Adler is also awesome, he does work applying math to biology, and his interests are anywhere that thinking outside the box is needed to make any progress at all. Lately that means studying lung transplant survival rates, rhinoviruses (aka the Common Cold), army ants, sociopaths and whale genetics. Anyhow, I'm super excited to move out to Salt Lake City this summer and work with such cool people for the next 5 or 6 years. And the salary is great, it also pays my tuition, medical insurance and dental insurance. Sweeet!
whhhat? how is being a teacher not a "real job"?? you are getting kids excited about science it's very rewarding!
I know it sounds silly right? Any job where you don't feel like you're working when you do it is awesome in my book. My ex is probably just insane