I've been watching some really phat Russian movies lately:

I've also been listening to the 5 Prokofiev piano concertos like mad, I listen to them while fucking, while drinking, while reading Demons by Dostoevsky, and even while, well, doing absolutely nothing...
I have been doing the T.A. thing for a solid month now and I love it. My students are mostly good kids. I like them. I am giving them their first exam tomorrow morning at 11am. We'll see if they like me after they start the exam! I sit around their lectures on M and W mornings to collect their homeworks. On Thursday I teach one Lab from 2-4:50 and one Lab from 6-8:50. Thursdays are basically super grueling, mainly because I set the labs up from 8-11am. Whew! By the time I get off at around 10pm on Thursday nights I am just friggin' dead. I drink a lot on the weekends now, partially as a result of my work load perhaps? A likely hypothesis I think.
Ciao for now!

I've also been listening to the 5 Prokofiev piano concertos like mad, I listen to them while fucking, while drinking, while reading Demons by Dostoevsky, and even while, well, doing absolutely nothing...
I have been doing the T.A. thing for a solid month now and I love it. My students are mostly good kids. I like them. I am giving them their first exam tomorrow morning at 11am. We'll see if they like me after they start the exam! I sit around their lectures on M and W mornings to collect their homeworks. On Thursday I teach one Lab from 2-4:50 and one Lab from 6-8:50. Thursdays are basically super grueling, mainly because I set the labs up from 8-11am. Whew! By the time I get off at around 10pm on Thursday nights I am just friggin' dead. I drink a lot on the weekends now, partially as a result of my work load perhaps? A likely hypothesis I think.
Ciao for now!
I do environmental chemistry stuff with some geology thrown in there.
jus headn to florida to have fun be by the ocean i love it