Alright, so I've been on here almost 4 days I think and I finally have time to write a blog. First, I had to entertain some friends, show them my new dorm space. Yeah, it's weird being a grad. student and T.A. at such a small school (USF St. Pete) because I live across the hall from one my students! A cute one at that! Haha, pretty strange. I drank a bunch of 1) grande lattes 2) chai lattes 3) finally, green tea lattes and then wrote up this research proposal for a graduate seminar I'm in. It took longer than I thought to find my sources. I have to lead a one hour seminar on invasive species! First semester grad. studies they always say are either a 1) career booster or 2) career killer
Anyhow, I can now enjoy Radu Lupu and SuicideGirls in peace and quiet since most everyone on my floor is asleep
Anyhow, I can now enjoy Radu Lupu and SuicideGirls in peace and quiet since most everyone on my floor is asleep