Hi everyone!!!
Time for the long overdue journal. As you can imagine things have been really busy with mid-terms and regular coursework. I have no life other than work, school, clean house, feed animals. Luckily I still have a little time for sunggling with the hubby. I'm doing pretty well in school so far. I got another 100 on a quiz, and I should be getting my first paper back tomorrow. Cross your fingers for me!
At home all is well. We have two new ferral foster kittens that hubby caught near his work. They are both about 4 months old, and we believe they are litter mates. Bella is a tortiseshell, and we believe a girl. She is warming up to us quickly, and in the past 24 hours we even got her to purr. Cujo is all black and we think a male (although he will not let us get close enough to check the plumbing). Cujo sent hubby to the emergency room this weekend with several bite wounds, and is a very unhappy little kittie. You cannot go near him without him hissing and spitting. We're hopeful that he will come around eventually.
Not much else new for now. I'll try to be better about updating regularly and commenting on your journals. Hope everyone had a great Halloween, and has a great week. Don't forget to vote today!!!
Time for the long overdue journal. As you can imagine things have been really busy with mid-terms and regular coursework. I have no life other than work, school, clean house, feed animals. Luckily I still have a little time for sunggling with the hubby. I'm doing pretty well in school so far. I got another 100 on a quiz, and I should be getting my first paper back tomorrow. Cross your fingers for me!
At home all is well. We have two new ferral foster kittens that hubby caught near his work. They are both about 4 months old, and we believe they are litter mates. Bella is a tortiseshell, and we believe a girl. She is warming up to us quickly, and in the past 24 hours we even got her to purr. Cujo is all black and we think a male (although he will not let us get close enough to check the plumbing). Cujo sent hubby to the emergency room this weekend with several bite wounds, and is a very unhappy little kittie. You cannot go near him without him hissing and spitting. We're hopeful that he will come around eventually.
Not much else new for now. I'll try to be better about updating regularly and commenting on your journals. Hope everyone had a great Halloween, and has a great week. Don't forget to vote today!!!

if i can keep this pace up through the week, i think i will be good for a while. i feel so much more productive and alive right now then i have in months. lots more energy too.
[Edited on Nov 10, 2004 4:33AM]