So here's the new ink. It's on my right shoulder/back. It looks a little ashy because it's still whada ya think??? Personally I love it, and it is very significant in terms of the way I have been feeling the last year or two.
Anyhoo...I had my 2nd day of classes yesterday. I love being back in school, but am finding myself very overwhelmed by the amount of work involved. It is a daunting task I have set for myself, but I am determined to see it through...even if it kills me!!!
So today I called out sick from work. Really it was a mental health day as the past few weeks have caught up with me. Very depressed...couldn't get out of bed...many bad thoughts running through my sick little mind...But I am feeling better now. When hubby got home from work he made me take a shower and took me out to dinner. I married a good man. No, scratch that, a great man...and I thank god I have him every day.
Well, I hope you are all well. My apologies for not commenting on your journals much lately, but I have been super busy. You forgive me, right?
Hope everyone has a great weekend!!!
uh huh