Hi everyone!!!
Time for the long overdue journal. As you can imagine things have been really busy with mid-terms and regular coursework. I have no life other than work, school, clean house, feed animals. Luckily I still have a little time for sunggling with the hubby. I'm doing pretty well in school so far. I got another 100 on a quiz, and I should be...
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Time for the long overdue journal. As you can imagine things have been really busy with mid-terms and regular coursework. I have no life other than work, school, clean house, feed animals. Luckily I still have a little time for sunggling with the hubby. I'm doing pretty well in school so far. I got another 100 on a quiz, and I should be...
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It's been a while since my last update. It has been super crazy lately. Last week I had Pink Eye which was just a ton of fun. It had me out of work for 2 days, so now I'm a bit behind at work as well as school.
School is going okay. I got a 100 on a take home quiz for Observational Research...
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It's been a while since my last update. It has been super crazy lately. Last week I had Pink Eye which was just a ton of fun. It had me out of work for 2 days, so now I'm a bit behind at work as well as school.
School is going okay. I got a 100 on a take home quiz for Observational Research...
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Happy Halloween!!!
I hope the school/work/pets/hubby are all doing well!
I hope the school/work/pets/hubby are all doing well!
i hope you had an awesome halloween weekend.
you should update soon
you should update soon

Greetings and Salutations!
Okay, what day is today, oh yeah it's Friday. So, school is going well. I got a 90 on a take home quiz for Observational Research Methods, not too shabby. And I took my Statistics Mid-term - I think I did pretty well, I know I definately passes, but it's going to kill me waiting till next week to get the results....
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Okay, what day is today, oh yeah it's Friday. So, school is going well. I got a 90 on a take home quiz for Observational Research Methods, not too shabby. And I took my Statistics Mid-term - I think I did pretty well, I know I definately passes, but it's going to kill me waiting till next week to get the results....
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thanks hun *hug*
that kind of schedule is rough, but when school is all done it will be well worth it 

Hi all!
Time for the weekly update. So, hubby and I went to Great Adventure this past Sunday with the SGNJ and SGNY gang. We had a wonderful time!!! I got to see some of my buddies, and meet a whole bunch of new really cool people! A special thanks to Trevor for being my ride buddy! Incidentally, if anyone ever goes to an amusement...
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Time for the weekly update. So, hubby and I went to Great Adventure this past Sunday with the SGNJ and SGNY gang. We had a wonderful time!!! I got to see some of my buddies, and meet a whole bunch of new really cool people! A special thanks to Trevor for being my ride buddy! Incidentally, if anyone ever goes to an amusement...
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Yuck. The quizzes/test portion of school sucks, but I'm sure you'll enjoy the rest. How does your program work, do you need to pick a thesis advisor?
You're not forgotten... I'm just sooooo broke.
Seriously, my funds situation is all sorts of sad. Plus, time off is a little slim right now. But, we've got two four-day weekends in November, so maybe after a few paychecks I'll be ready to come down again.
And no sass about my little escapade last weekend from you missy! Like it or not, no matter what kind of person I may be, I'm still a 23 year old male. When two pretty young girls ask you to do naughty things to them, you say "When and where?"
Miss you much,

And no sass about my little escapade last weekend from you missy! Like it or not, no matter what kind of person I may be, I'm still a 23 year old male. When two pretty young girls ask you to do naughty things to them, you say "When and where?"

Miss you much,
Greetings fellow SG addicts!
So, not a bad week so far. Studied all weekend which was not so much with the fun making, but hubby and I rented a cool movie and relaxed Saturday night. Work is exhausting, as is my school schedule, but I'm trucking along for now.
Had a great day yesterday. School was good, classes were great, and at the end of...
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So, not a bad week so far. Studied all weekend which was not so much with the fun making, but hubby and I rented a cool movie and relaxed Saturday night. Work is exhausting, as is my school schedule, but I'm trucking along for now.
Had a great day yesterday. School was good, classes were great, and at the end of...
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Cancer= BAD!
Any weekend in November is good for me, besides, obviously, thanksgiving weekend.
Any weekend in November is good for me, besides, obviously, thanksgiving weekend.

It was nice meeting you on sunday too! Unfortunately I didn't really get a chance to talk to you very much, but hopefully I will the next time you come out.
I'm starting my fourth year of my PhD. The good news, I can tell you, is that while the work never goes away, it does assume a somewhat more normal pace after your first year. At least it did in my program, I got almost all of my course work done that year and then it became solely lab work. Which I find more interesting anyway.
Do you have to teach?
I'm starting my fourth year of my PhD. The good news, I can tell you, is that while the work never goes away, it does assume a somewhat more normal pace after your first year. At least it did in my program, I got almost all of my course work done that year and then it became solely lab work. Which I find more interesting anyway.
Do you have to teach?
thanks bud, wow cool tat
Greetings Earthlings!
So, I started school on Wednesday. Left on the Waldwick train at 7am. First I must comment on the suckiness of the NY Subways during a bad rainstorm. No one ever told me that Subways leak! I was getting wet ON the train! Thank god I made all my trains on time, cause as soon as I got off at Columbus Circle they...
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So, I started school on Wednesday. Left on the Waldwick train at 7am. First I must comment on the suckiness of the NY Subways during a bad rainstorm. No one ever told me that Subways leak! I was getting wet ON the train! Thank god I made all my trains on time, cause as soon as I got off at Columbus Circle they...
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yup, i thought i did my alone time (5 months of it) but i guess it wasn't enough...
baggage (or as i like to call it "damage") does indeed suck.
Good luck with school; as with any good man, I'm sure he's willing to do it for a backrub once in a while
baggage (or as i like to call it "damage") does indeed suck.
Good luck with school; as with any good man, I'm sure he's willing to do it for a backrub once in a while

That is a crazy lot of stuff to have to do day in, day out. I hope that you can get through it ok.
how long is this hell going to last?
how long is this hell going to last?
So, we're back in New Jersey and I am exhausted! Boston was tons of fun, but we did sooooo much walking. My legs are still hurting. But overall a great trip. Hubby and I were in a really swank hotel and had a great time taking in the sights, sounds, and smells. We met up with Trevor a few times, and went up to the...
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Well, how was the 1st day o' school?
I'm only like 4 or 5 blocks north of there - I'd love to hang out with ya! Next Weds is totally shitty tho, but Im happy to have you over or join ya for some local fun!
woo hoo!
I'm only like 4 or 5 blocks north of there - I'd love to hang out with ya! Next Weds is totally shitty tho, but Im happy to have you over or join ya for some local fun!
woo hoo!
Well, I'm here to amuse. Im just glad you could laugh with me, as apossed to the alternative... which involves pointing.
Thanks for the comment!
I get a warm fuzzy when I see my comment meter thingy go up. It's even cooler when its someone other than the norm.
PHDs are for smart people. I'm afraid I'm not qualified at all. So it's good to see someone is. Without people like you, who would be smart? I suppose that would be the people in the Masters classes. But only by default.
Hidden somewhere in my nonsensical rambling where some compliments. If you find them, you get a prize.
-Steve the noob (Not as awe inspiring as Ivan the Terrible, but I'm afraid I have to live with it)
Thanks for the comment!

PHDs are for smart people. I'm afraid I'm not qualified at all. So it's good to see someone is. Without people like you, who would be smart? I suppose that would be the people in the Masters classes. But only by default.
Hidden somewhere in my nonsensical rambling where some compliments. If you find them, you get a prize.
-Steve the noob (Not as awe inspiring as Ivan the Terrible, but I'm afraid I have to live with it)
Greetings from Boston!
We arrived at about 1am, but we made it in great time. We are really looking forward to taking in the sights and exploring the town. Can't wait to show hubby where I spent my 1st year of college at BU. Hope you all have a great weekend!!!
We arrived at about 1am, but we made it in great time. We are really looking forward to taking in the sights and exploring the town. Can't wait to show hubby where I spent my 1st year of college at BU. Hope you all have a great weekend!!!

It was totally awesome... er, wicked awesome meeting you guys. I hope we were entertaining enough to make your ridiculously long ride worth it.
And you totally kicked my ass at bowling. Not that, you know, I care or anything.
And you totally kicked my ass at bowling. Not that, you know, I care or anything.

Hey, I met you! You're small and cute! I'm glad you have your own identity now... Mrs. Mydogfarted just wasn't right.
My tattoos
TGIF!!!!!! I am soooo looking forward to slowing down for the weekend. And I have next week off to boot! I start school the 8th, and wanted a bit of a break first. So I get to relax for part of the week, next Wednesday I have Orientation at Fordham, and then Thursday night we leave for Boston. I'm sure I'll be tired when we...
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Hi. I woulda met you at ACE bar if I wasn't such a pussy. Wlecome to SG and stuff.

man, it sucks i won't get to see you guys this weekend...
i gots to go to pennsylvania on bizness.
i gots to go to pennsylvania on bizness.

Tuesday sucks. You know, it's not even mid-week where you can start looking forward to the weekend. Not to mention the commute from hell this morning (thanks in part to hubby).
So, hubby is going to take some picture of me and my tats to post on the board, just in case anyone forgot what I look like
. Hopefully we'll have that up...
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Tuesday sucks. You know, it's not even mid-week where you can start looking forward to the weekend. Not to mention the commute from hell this morning (thanks in part to hubby).
So, hubby is going to take some picture of me and my tats to post on the board, just in case anyone forgot what I look like

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yay pictures! welcome to the site btw.. i met ur hubby, he is cool 

That would be so awesome of you guys! I'm getting ready to head back to work here in a second, but I'll e-mail you as soon as I can.
if i can keep this pace up through the week, i think i will be good for a while. i feel so much more productive and alive right now then i have in months. lots more energy too.
[Edited on Nov 10, 2004 4:33AM]