plans this week:
buy some new kicks (ubiq perhaps)
take photographs of decsive moments (e.g henri cartier bresson)
goto skytop scooter and purchase a new tire for stella
while at skytop seek info inovling how to "supe" stella up
remove stella from her cage and ride (at least twice this week!)
maybe some ink?
start spring training
enjoy the relaxation
enjoy the free time to indulge in two movies, be cool and sin city
take advantage of break in weahter and thrash it up on the board
read some books (any suggestions)
have fun.
feel free to add an idea or two....
sit back and seriously disect this image...its amazing and was brought to us by bresson.
***monday update***
finished reported for art lit.
went to toots concert and had a blast!
***tuesday update**
skateboarded for an hour or so
chilled updated profile pic. and added a folder
i dont have the beard
had some banging mexician and lattes
over out
***weds update***
went to philly with two fellow photo students
started off at skytop scooters
dropped tire off will return on friday to pick up
quick discussion regarding exhaust kit
took the EL to center city
walked around center city / south st goofed off
will return to the city on friday and saturday
took long ass nap and relized my feels regarding national news
compared to monday and tuesday alot more action (dont let it fool ya)
***thursday update***
***friday update***
went to philly
picked up tire from skytop
discussed exhaust options for the stella
chilled on south street
purchased a bike from via bicycle inc.
a truimph english 3 speed bicycle
went to iron hill brewery on the river front
almost jacked some dudes jaws
crisis adverted
buy some new kicks (ubiq perhaps)
take photographs of decsive moments (e.g henri cartier bresson)
goto skytop scooter and purchase a new tire for stella
while at skytop seek info inovling how to "supe" stella up
remove stella from her cage and ride (at least twice this week!)
maybe some ink?
start spring training
enjoy the relaxation
enjoy the free time to indulge in two movies, be cool and sin city
take advantage of break in weahter and thrash it up on the board
read some books (any suggestions)
have fun.
feel free to add an idea or two....
sit back and seriously disect this image...its amazing and was brought to us by bresson.

***monday update***
finished reported for art lit.
went to toots concert and had a blast!
***tuesday update**
skateboarded for an hour or so
chilled updated profile pic. and added a folder
i dont have the beard
had some banging mexician and lattes
over out
***weds update***
went to philly with two fellow photo students
started off at skytop scooters
dropped tire off will return on friday to pick up
quick discussion regarding exhaust kit
took the EL to center city
walked around center city / south st goofed off
will return to the city on friday and saturday
took long ass nap and relized my feels regarding national news
compared to monday and tuesday alot more action (dont let it fool ya)
***thursday update***
***friday update***
went to philly
picked up tire from skytop
discussed exhaust options for the stella
chilled on south street
purchased a bike from via bicycle inc.
a truimph english 3 speed bicycle
went to iron hill brewery on the river front
almost jacked some dudes jaws
crisis adverted
yeah, kind of a long story, but it was the 2nd time i got stood up by the same guy haha oh well, whatcha gonna do? 

Yo Dude Update Your Shit...LoL!!!