Single and well having a great time. All accept my engin blowing up in my car makes my life way more fucked up.eeek
well I think you are amazing! Sorry about your engine!
So stressed out how do you loive with a bf that cheats on you? omg I sound so stupid I should stick my boot up his ass tell him to fuck off. But i Love him how dumb is that I swear a long time ago that would never happen what happen to the bitch in me that tell men to fuck off.skull
trust me, go with the boot. Life is way too short! We're not all bad!
Oh shit midterms for the next two weeks ofun fun fun fun heheh. Not only that but papers and shit to write. Omg why em I so hungry every time I watch an atopsie video in class. My stomach sounded like a lion roaring tonight. I thought my friend was going to fall out of her chair laughingwink
Best of luck with midterms and the papers!
Test tomorrow in psychology and what do I do but go to the bar watch my bfs dad play and have a few drinks hopefuly I will keep my A average.
Another A wow I can't believe it who knew pschology would well I guess come naturalsmile
ha ha!
I wish I could see the future. Why can't I stay mad why is my love so strong and so deep. Why wont it die it needs to die. WHY do the words she doesn't mean any thing shes no body shes boring and no she's not like us. Seem to make me feel better? Funny I always thought of my self as boring nerdy...
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How do you dump a guy that you are in love with? The sex is great when you have it hes funny and he's smart. Hmm I bet your wondering whats wrong with this person. Lets say I got a fucken list of shit I hate.
I don't like the fact he comes on to other women and has txt sex with them and has them send him naked pics and shit. He tells them that he want to fuck them and all this shit. Then tells me he's just leading them on and thats it. That he loves me and my two little ones. My comen sence tells me to beat the shit out of him and leave him laying on the ground bleeding. My heart knows how much I love him and im attracked to him. How he can look at me silly and I instantly want him inside me. I fucken hate this shit. I hate roller coasters and thats what im on
wow, why would do all that, when ur a hottie!
Ah its friday hell ya time to let loose. Already did my home worksmile. Even going to join some club that makes a college magazine aka looks like a book. With short storys photos and art shit. Even going to send some of my sketches in. It should look great on my college app. to evegreen (published artist) publicist for beyond parallax never mind...
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I got an A hell ya im not no dumb cute face. I would like to smack every guy who has actualy thought I was dumb just because I have big breast and a cute face wthsmile
Big Breast or not I think your pretty damn kewl! Ur beutiful and watching you do some smacking would be hot! Hell you could smack me netime huney

It doesn't make me dumb just people think I am.
Well I have my first psychology test I hope all goes well. And every one failed the grammer test in my english 101 class. Who would have guessed that.shocked