Finally saw the SG: UK Holiday video, & now have more tattoo ideas! As if I didn't have enough on my wishlist already lol! But in the spirit of the season, I'll just be grateful for the tattoos I do have
I made vegan pumpkin oatmeal cookies. They were a big hit & I'll probably make more for tomorrow. It's always a nice compliment when something you bake/ cook gets eaten very quickly!
I hope everyone in SGland enjoys the holiday & good luck to anyone who is going out on Friday!!

I made vegan pumpkin oatmeal cookies. They were a big hit & I'll probably make more for tomorrow. It's always a nice compliment when something you bake/ cook gets eaten very quickly!
I hope everyone in SGland enjoys the holiday & good luck to anyone who is going out on Friday!!
Happy Thanksgiving to you!
Happy Gobble sweetie!