Oh... thats long... thats really long... thats two long... I need to take a break and come back for round 2...
could you please stop talking about how my dickhead is?
damn ya'll whine worse then a fat lady in a long krispy kreme line!
thats some bullshit!! Yall know I read your long ass posts! All ya had to do was comment on one thing and move on! It aint that hard you could just blindly picked and read that f'n sentence and commented... then my dumbass wouldnta known that noone gives a rat ass about what I type.... I woulda went happily on believing all yall read my shit...
ya'll know Im fuckin' witchya right?
I dont give a good golly fuck!
anyways I am off to portland for a week so I may be scarce work is cool and I been working my ass off...
well I probably typed too long for ya nonreading muhfuckas!
could you please stop talking about how my dickhead is?
damn ya'll whine worse then a fat lady in a long krispy kreme line!
thats some bullshit!! Yall know I read your long ass posts! All ya had to do was comment on one thing and move on! It aint that hard you could just blindly picked and read that f'n sentence and commented... then my dumbass wouldnta known that noone gives a rat ass about what I type.... I woulda went happily on believing all yall read my shit...

I dont give a good golly fuck!
anyways I am off to portland for a week so I may be scarce work is cool and I been working my ass off...

well I probably typed too long for ya nonreading muhfuckas!

Your dickhead?? My last comment to you was about the virus on your computer. I'm confused.