how is that for an opening??
yeah! WOO!
I'm not sick btw, I just always liked that lil smiley
Well I had a mild weekend despite the fact that I felt like celebrating..... the problem was that I have not gotten out of my shell and made friends here so all I have is pops and he tends to stay close to home on the weekends.... so instead I paid bills, got a new dress shirt (actually I got 3 but two went back because it was kinda crappily made, nice colors but crappy workmanship) I got some new comics and I sat around reading those this weekend.....
The geniuses in the comic industry realize that Evil dead fans are in need of a new episode so they are trying to fill that gap with a few little shorts and I have enjoyed them... and others...
I start my new job on Tuesday and I am starting to get nervous...
I am sure that the next few weeks will be a blur..... I am excited though...
I think I am heading to the Portland area next monday.... for the week so I probably ought to see if I can meet up with some people from here... but I need to know my schedule and location first.... I have never really hung in Portland...
there was something else I was going to ramble inanely about but it has long since evacuated my head... I really must jot down good thoughts for later perusal... they always occur while traveling though so maybe a tape recorder or something....
I do have a bitch though....
what is with virus scanners? every virus scanner will find at least one virus on computers that they cant fix and when you decide to find out how they have you going through all these steps to rid the system of it but wasnt that what I bought the fucking program for? Why the hell do I need to do anything it should do its fucking job....
OK I think thats over.... for now at least...
update: I was listening to some music and a song came on and triggered the thing I meant to talk about earlier...
First the song that caused this total recall.... flying by chris isaak
anyways so my dad took Thursday off for a doctors appointment at the last moment and suprised me by taking me out to breakfast which was cool.... so we traveled to a place in a town about 30 minutes away and the f'n place stopped serving breakfasts after 10:30, as it was 11:30 we were late.... but what the hell is that bullshit? people show up at your restaurant where noone except a couple of regulars are and you are sitting out there with your wife jawing with one of them about taxes or whatever... so you arent busy... you see two people come in and they are looking at the breakfast menu and you say the sou;p today is chili soup.... now what the fuck that is I havent a clue but that is beside the point.... then your dumb broad of a wife wtart rambling about a pasty.. or however the fuck its spelled... I am not even sure what a pasty is... but it sounds disgusting but hey you think it is the f'n bees knees..... anyways so at this point one of the two potential customers says well we were kinda interested in breakfast.... you say oh, ya got a late start eh?.... now hold up for a minute who the fuck are you do you fucking know mw? do we go out drinking and harrassing young waittresses that wish we would just fuckiong die together no we don't so who the fuck are you talking to ya damn assmonkey!... so anyways you continue to blather like an idiot and say well we stop serving breakfast at 10:30 but the chili soup is really good... and your wife chimes in it comes with a roll... now I dont know about all ya'll mofos but when I want breakfast that what the fuck I want.... I rolled in here thinking two eggs, ham and potatoes..... I coulda cooked a damn good meal at home with a side of some spicy black beans instead of the taters since we aint got none but I came all the fucking way over here because some sob told me this placer had a good breakfast..... so first off ya irritated me with your assinine comment and then ya tell me that ya cant cook up a couple eggs and some fucking ham?... so what do these potential customers dop? Do they have the fucking chili soup with some fucking roll as a side? Hell fucking no they dont they fucking leave.... now 15 bucks in the hole you go back to jawing witht he asshole whose been nursing that gotdamned cupa coffe all got damned morning!
ok that was off the topic... we did go to a place and have breakfast... it was a breakfast but I shoulda just stayed home and made my own...
well since he has the day off we head to the library and then to the best coffee joint in town My Coffee.... and low and behold the most beautiful girl I have seen is there doing some homework and once I notice her I can no longer keep my eyes off of her and my courage is having a battle with my self doubt.... but then I chicken out and hide behind the fact that I am with my dad.... well he starts to get ready to go.... I start towards the door and take a quick peak before I exit and we lock eyes.... I almost walk into the doorframe but luckily my spidey sense is working and I manage to avoid it only looking a lil silly..... my courage is higher then ever but now I am outside with my pops standing next to the car.... so what do I do? I head to the car and take my pops home and then turh the car back and drive back since it is still an hour and a half before my second to last day at dell starts... I decide midroute that if she is there I will ask her out... and guess what she isnt... I have went into that coffee shop so much lately that the people probably think I have an insane coffee addiction or something... I need a cot so I can just move in... I mean I was already there daily and everyone ther calls me by name.... I know a few of theirs and evewn a little about their lives prior to working there.... but have I ran into her again... no! I suck I suck I suck I suck I suck I suck I suck

anyways thats it sorry to get distracted midway.... Hopefully at least one of ya'll finished that story....
okay, hopefully that evens out.