well bunbun tells me its time to update my journal...
she also went on to criticize my last entry big time..... for a bunny she sure is bossy!
she also demands popcorn all the time... its crazy....
its hard living under a bunnies rule...
speaking of bunnies we moved the other 3 outside... a day after they were outside Maryjo thought they deserved a break from their cages so she put one in the garden for an hour of exercise with in minutes the bunnie found a previously unseen hole and took off... then a few days later maryjo forgot to secure the lid of a cage and that bunny escaped..... well the other day the first escapee was returned to us by a neighbor... the second one is mia... I think he found some lady bunnies and he is humping away.... he probably is starring in some bunny porn movies right now,....
I still have a week left before I can be done at dell and before I start my new job... I cant wait!
the other day I was on break with this guy and we came back late right so the bossman hauls him into a room and fires him... and he woulda fired me but I already put in my two weeks...... what a freak
she also went on to criticize my last entry big time..... for a bunny she sure is bossy!
she also demands popcorn all the time... its crazy....
its hard living under a bunnies rule...
speaking of bunnies we moved the other 3 outside... a day after they were outside Maryjo thought they deserved a break from their cages so she put one in the garden for an hour of exercise with in minutes the bunnie found a previously unseen hole and took off... then a few days later maryjo forgot to secure the lid of a cage and that bunny escaped..... well the other day the first escapee was returned to us by a neighbor... the second one is mia... I think he found some lady bunnies and he is humping away.... he probably is starring in some bunny porn movies right now,....
I still have a week left before I can be done at dell and before I start my new job... I cant wait!
the other day I was on break with this guy and we came back late right so the bossman hauls him into a room and fires him... and he woulda fired me but I already put in my two weeks...... what a freak

Bunnies should be in charge!! I am voting for a bunny in the next presidential election.

you should rent sin city and make your father watch it and have him tell you what bad taste you have.