gotdamn! can't this week end! I am so ready to start my new job! This old job is driving me crazy.... I have been killing it in sales..... I mean my lowest sales day in the last 5 days was 5 comps.... how come this always happens when it does not matter.... I am killing it... my boss was all whats different... and I said I can see a light at the end of the tunnel... he was less then thrilled...
oh well...
I was tired of the pics...
so I decided to update... and I have nothing to say really.... wait thats not true... I do have a thing that has been in the back of my head.... this might get long.... read or don't read I am gonna type it anyway
ok the back story as quick as possible.... like 5 months before I moved tomy current location in Oregon I was in AZ and this girl was all sending huge signals.... (how huge.... I noticed them... so real huge) anyways I was reluctant to get anything started for a few reasons...... first I knew I was moving..... second it is one of my best friend's sisters.....
so not the optimal time to get tangled right.... well just hear me out.... anyways so I get a call from kevin saying after work meet me and my fam up at the elephant bar its sally's (the girl) bday. SO I was like cool... I felt like drinking right...
well we have a few and then everyone heads out cuz bars are expensive but sally and the other sis, convince me to head over to the sis's house (shalon) for a few more drinks.... well by the time I get there what sally has had has put her over the edge and she gets driven to her home... well shalon is like your more than welcome to come up I have alcohol and I did promise you a jack and coke... so I went up and we started talking about shit and we cover everything... from my good friends crazy romantic life with his crazy ass lady to shalon, adrian (other sis) and sally religious ideas... which is another discussion...
well shalon starts telling me how much sally talks about me and likes me and what not next thing I know I have her number and I have left a message on her phone.....
so we start hanging out all without my good friend really knowing and then I do tell him but its getting closer to me moving... she knows I'm moving before we started dating and midway through our first day I tried to end it all there because of me moving but she kept calling and that put an end to my resolve...
well so we break up I move and she is heartbroke...
well heres the point.... apparently sally gets it in her head that its my friends fault that we hooked up... that he gave her number to me.... so she gets all outta sorts with him and barely started talking to him again less then a month ago.... I moved in July people!
Of course it comes round full circle because I am best man at homies wedding and shit... so it should be interesting to say the least... especially if his fiance invites her other friend... another ex... anyways so its been rolling about in my head and it probably go through without drama but it is set up to be drama city...
oh well...
I was tired of the pics...
so I decided to update... and I have nothing to say really.... wait thats not true... I do have a thing that has been in the back of my head.... this might get long.... read or don't read I am gonna type it anyway
ok the back story as quick as possible.... like 5 months before I moved tomy current location in Oregon I was in AZ and this girl was all sending huge signals.... (how huge.... I noticed them... so real huge) anyways I was reluctant to get anything started for a few reasons...... first I knew I was moving..... second it is one of my best friend's sisters.....
so not the optimal time to get tangled right.... well just hear me out.... anyways so I get a call from kevin saying after work meet me and my fam up at the elephant bar its sally's (the girl) bday. SO I was like cool... I felt like drinking right...
well we have a few and then everyone heads out cuz bars are expensive but sally and the other sis, convince me to head over to the sis's house (shalon) for a few more drinks.... well by the time I get there what sally has had has put her over the edge and she gets driven to her home... well shalon is like your more than welcome to come up I have alcohol and I did promise you a jack and coke... so I went up and we started talking about shit and we cover everything... from my good friends crazy romantic life with his crazy ass lady to shalon, adrian (other sis) and sally religious ideas... which is another discussion...

so we start hanging out all without my good friend really knowing and then I do tell him but its getting closer to me moving... she knows I'm moving before we started dating and midway through our first day I tried to end it all there because of me moving but she kept calling and that put an end to my resolve...
well so we break up I move and she is heartbroke...
well heres the point.... apparently sally gets it in her head that its my friends fault that we hooked up... that he gave her number to me.... so she gets all outta sorts with him and barely started talking to him again less then a month ago.... I moved in July people!
Of course it comes round full circle because I am best man at homies wedding and shit... so it should be interesting to say the least... especially if his fiance invites her other friend... another ex... anyways so its been rolling about in my head and it probably go through without drama but it is set up to be drama city...

thanks bout my set

Ya know.....for someone who started out saying that he didn't have much to say, he sure had a lot to say.