Well it was a long week but for the most part it was the best week I have had because of the absence of my boss.... he came back yesterday of course..... I still feel like stabbing him with a pen..... but I resist the urge.... I am not tough enough to be in prison.
Actually I told him to go back on vacation.
I have to get ready to do something today... I have no clue what the something is but I have to do it.... I just barely pulled my ass out of bed an hour ago...apparently my dad tried to reach me about lunch but I never heard the phone ring.... stupid phone....
Oh the only thing my boss said to me was that I can't just take days off randomly, that I need to make sure I can take those days off and that it wont interfere with my teammates plans.... he saids this in an email... anyways I emailed back saying and how am I supposed to do that but he never responded... since I have no intention of changing my flights to phoenix he can eat a dick.... which might mean I will be jobless again... we will see...
other than that I have found that bunbun loves kettle corn... in fact she stalked me last night when I made it and jumped on the couch and tormented me until I gave her some more.... silly crazy rabbit! So whenever I make popcorn I give her some.....
Actually I told him to go back on vacation.
I have to get ready to do something today... I have no clue what the something is but I have to do it.... I just barely pulled my ass out of bed an hour ago...apparently my dad tried to reach me about lunch but I never heard the phone ring.... stupid phone....
Oh the only thing my boss said to me was that I can't just take days off randomly, that I need to make sure I can take those days off and that it wont interfere with my teammates plans.... he saids this in an email... anyways I emailed back saying and how am I supposed to do that but he never responded... since I have no intention of changing my flights to phoenix he can eat a dick.... which might mean I will be jobless again... we will see...
other than that I have found that bunbun loves kettle corn... in fact she stalked me last night when I made it and jumped on the couch and tormented me until I gave her some more.... silly crazy rabbit! So whenever I make popcorn I give her some.....

Wait, I don't want you to lose your job. I know how it is, because I have to walk the walk and be a team player, yadda yadda yadda.
Bunbun is the cutest name I have ever heard. If I ever have a child...
are you really in Azerbaijan?