So whats new?
Me? shit, nothing too new. Heard from my friend Mike about a possible job in Denver.... Did not hear from insurance peeps about job in Oregon. Dell is all aquiver about my continued enslavement....
They changed my hours at work. Effective february 1 we no longer have Sundays off. I almost quit..... The f'n Super Bowl is the 6th!!!! Damn nazi bastards! Besideds that I have always liked Sundays off. I haven't worked the Super bowl since..... well shit I usually quit jobs for that....
what is the world coming too?????
I am sure plenty people reading this not only work on superbowl sundays but could give a shit if they miss it... but not me.... I love the food, the beer, the ga.m.... wait not the game.... the commercials, the preshow, the vomiting because of the food and the beer and the shitty match up the game turned into.... I love it all!!!
SO yeah I am having a bit of a moral quandry.....
C'mon other jobs!!
In other news... I have been drawing every night and I can safely say they resemble the people I am trying to replicate.... I am actually pretty proud of my efforts.....
I have been focusing on the face.... I have not figured proprtions yet..... only one has arms, torso, legs and a really crappy hand.... It wasn't too bad for a first attempt...... I need to do some hand studies and also noses and mouths... my eyes arent too bad but they need work but not as bad as the rest.... anyways I am babbling...
Apparently Tara Reid came out of her drug haze long enough to talk about the total boob show she put on last year... Yeah I said it happened a long ass time ago! She is so on top of shit! She swears it was a n accident and not planned. You know what I believe that she could have a breast flopping in the breeze and not know...... anyways here is a quote... "I had a fur coat on, so when I took the coat off, the coat was heavy, and the strap came out with the coat. They were like, `Tara, let me see the dress, let me see the dress.' ... I didn't see the strap fall down, so I'm smiling like an idiot. ... Then, when someone came up to me, I was like, `Oh, I'm so embarrassed!'"
Me? shit, nothing too new. Heard from my friend Mike about a possible job in Denver.... Did not hear from insurance peeps about job in Oregon. Dell is all aquiver about my continued enslavement....
They changed my hours at work. Effective february 1 we no longer have Sundays off. I almost quit..... The f'n Super Bowl is the 6th!!!! Damn nazi bastards! Besideds that I have always liked Sundays off. I haven't worked the Super bowl since..... well shit I usually quit jobs for that....
what is the world coming too?????
I am sure plenty people reading this not only work on superbowl sundays but could give a shit if they miss it... but not me.... I love the food, the beer, the ga.m.... wait not the game.... the commercials, the preshow, the vomiting because of the food and the beer and the shitty match up the game turned into.... I love it all!!!
SO yeah I am having a bit of a moral quandry.....
C'mon other jobs!!
In other news... I have been drawing every night and I can safely say they resemble the people I am trying to replicate.... I am actually pretty proud of my efforts.....
I have been focusing on the face.... I have not figured proprtions yet..... only one has arms, torso, legs and a really crappy hand.... It wasn't too bad for a first attempt...... I need to do some hand studies and also noses and mouths... my eyes arent too bad but they need work but not as bad as the rest.... anyways I am babbling...
Apparently Tara Reid came out of her drug haze long enough to talk about the total boob show she put on last year... Yeah I said it happened a long ass time ago! She is so on top of shit! She swears it was a n accident and not planned. You know what I believe that she could have a breast flopping in the breeze and not know...... anyways here is a quote... "I had a fur coat on, so when I took the coat off, the coat was heavy, and the strap came out with the coat. They were like, `Tara, let me see the dress, let me see the dress.' ... I didn't see the strap fall down, so I'm smiling like an idiot. ... Then, when someone came up to me, I was like, `Oh, I'm so embarrassed!'"
I'm pretty lucky, I get to use someone else's camera! And it's a pretty good one too! I figure if I get *really* serious I might actually save up for a digital SLR...