So I have been pretty M.I.A. since I got the new ipod.... my bad....
I have started doing anew thing which is put the 3800 songs on shuffle and see what comes out.....
to let you know how wierd thid is here is an example of two songs played back to back
Rob Zombie Meet the Creeper
Alan Jackson - When love Comes Around
It is the wierdest f'n thing ever and I am totally enjoying the sheer randomness of it all..... half of these songs I have not heard in a while....
Other than that the only thing I do is work....
Oh I dropped film off at walmart.... they were closed at the 1 hour place so I just dropped in the 2 day, right.... well 3 days later I am still waiting they assure me they will have it tomorrow... assholes......
in other news unrelated to me...
Ed Harris (actor type) had his smelly socks snatched up by fans of the hbo movie "Empire Falls". Apparently it was a sale of costumes and shit worn for the movie.... Further proof people are f'n stupid....
I have started doing anew thing which is put the 3800 songs on shuffle and see what comes out.....
to let you know how wierd thid is here is an example of two songs played back to back
Rob Zombie Meet the Creeper
Alan Jackson - When love Comes Around
It is the wierdest f'n thing ever and I am totally enjoying the sheer randomness of it all..... half of these songs I have not heard in a while....

Other than that the only thing I do is work....
Oh I dropped film off at walmart.... they were closed at the 1 hour place so I just dropped in the 2 day, right.... well 3 days later I am still waiting they assure me they will have it tomorrow... assholes......
in other news unrelated to me...
Ed Harris (actor type) had his smelly socks snatched up by fans of the hbo movie "Empire Falls". Apparently it was a sale of costumes and shit worn for the movie.... Further proof people are f'n stupid....

it's made me smile anyway