Hey all...
Another day another dolla.....
seems lotsa people voted here in the states and from the tally of popular votes it seemed a bit closer than the electoral college but oh well......
expanding medical marijuana lost which sucks too....
oh well.....
I have not really done anything since I last wrote..... I had an interview and kinda hated the guy who was interviewing me....
oh I did get both dawn of the deads and they rocked
I also picked up two old movies.... Night of the living dead (the original) and House on haunted HIll (the original with vincent price)
I was doing really good not spending all of my pathetic paycheck on friday and saturday but then sunday I lost my mind and bought food and stuff and spent a crapload....
so I am poor again.... but I have food....
That is about it.....
Wait I forgot some stuff....
ok I am enlisting all those people that are not from the states.... give me some tips of what not to do when I travel so I don't completely sound like I am from the states and end up dead..... I mentioned before about overseas teaching english and now I am trying harder to make that a reality... so not dying is a goal...
uh..... oh and maybe I have been listening to r. kelly to much.... but bush's daughter.... barbara I think her name is.... I really have no clue but she has brown hair and is thinner then the other.... I have an overwhelming urge to meet her and have sex with her.... and in addition I want to pee on her..... and make sure it is filmed and then I want to distribute this video to people to release as soon as I leave the country.......... hehe I have no idea why but this stupid scenario popped in my head and I can't stop laughing.....
"This is the remix edition of a song about pissin" hehehehe
Another new thought
so like I signed up with messenger finally.... I used to be signed up but not since I moved and stuff.... that account is closed and I never liked having my real name on the thing anyhow.....
Another day another dolla.....
seems lotsa people voted here in the states and from the tally of popular votes it seemed a bit closer than the electoral college but oh well......
expanding medical marijuana lost which sucks too....
oh well.....
I have not really done anything since I last wrote..... I had an interview and kinda hated the guy who was interviewing me....
oh I did get both dawn of the deads and they rocked

I was doing really good not spending all of my pathetic paycheck on friday and saturday but then sunday I lost my mind and bought food and stuff and spent a crapload....
so I am poor again.... but I have food....

That is about it.....
Wait I forgot some stuff....
ok I am enlisting all those people that are not from the states.... give me some tips of what not to do when I travel so I don't completely sound like I am from the states and end up dead..... I mentioned before about overseas teaching english and now I am trying harder to make that a reality... so not dying is a goal...

uh..... oh and maybe I have been listening to r. kelly to much.... but bush's daughter.... barbara I think her name is.... I really have no clue but she has brown hair and is thinner then the other.... I have an overwhelming urge to meet her and have sex with her.... and in addition I want to pee on her..... and make sure it is filmed and then I want to distribute this video to people to release as soon as I leave the country.......... hehe I have no idea why but this stupid scenario popped in my head and I can't stop laughing.....

Another new thought
so like I signed up with messenger finally.... I used to be signed up but not since I moved and stuff.... that account is closed and I never liked having my real name on the thing anyhow.....
And Elliott Smith does fucking rule.
And is the MSN name in your contact info the new one you just got mister fancy pants?