So I called Dell yesterday and made an appointment for an interview today....
I went in and filled out their app and took their stupid tests and they want to talk to me some more.... so I have a 2nd interview Friday..... They asked me if I wanted full time or part time and I said I would prefer part time and they said well we won't start a new pt class until oct 18 is that ok.... I said sure....
I figured between sanity and starting earlier I would take sanity... I figure I have a house to live in I just need to worry about the rest.... So pt it was
Anyways.... Thought I would share
So Bunbun's owner called today..... She will be back on the 29th.... And she can't wait to see bunbun and destroy our happy home! If she wasn't old and reportedly nice I would bump off this old lady so me and the bunster could hang...... But alas......
Anyways so I will be squeezing some quality bunny time in while I can... Everyone says oh but you are the house with a lot of rabbits and I say Not bunnies that will let you carry them around... all the other bunnies run in fear and try to escape from you... those bunnies suck and they are mean to each other... one got his ass kicked and has been temporarily staying in the rents bathroom.... and the bunny poops alot.... another bunny has a scrathed eyelid and it is swollenshut around its eye... yeah those bunnies suck....
I have some new pics to share but I will have to load them first so I'll let you know when.....
Update.... again
The new pics are up and they are from a 20 dollar digital camera. The camera takes crappy pics but I like them! Here is an example....
further update...
my new friend makes me happy...
I also wanted to write... I am playing fantasy football like I do every year... I doubt most of you give a shit but it's my journal and I want to bitch...
I have a weakness in my rb... I have Ladanian which is good but my other two are injured.... so today I spend all day figuring out what to do I put in a request to drop one of the injured asses and pick up Onterrio Smith..... Unfortunately because my team kicks ass I have low eligibility for waiver pick ups and this shit talker runs in and swoops away my guy then takes the secon choice guy...... I hate that guy.... he has been bitching since day one! Now I am going to have to scramble for a new prospect! Damn it! The rest suck! Oh by the way I am playing for money... and now I am playing for blood!
I went in and filled out their app and took their stupid tests and they want to talk to me some more.... so I have a 2nd interview Friday..... They asked me if I wanted full time or part time and I said I would prefer part time and they said well we won't start a new pt class until oct 18 is that ok.... I said sure....
I figured between sanity and starting earlier I would take sanity... I figure I have a house to live in I just need to worry about the rest.... So pt it was
Anyways.... Thought I would share
So Bunbun's owner called today..... She will be back on the 29th.... And she can't wait to see bunbun and destroy our happy home! If she wasn't old and reportedly nice I would bump off this old lady so me and the bunster could hang...... But alas......
Anyways so I will be squeezing some quality bunny time in while I can... Everyone says oh but you are the house with a lot of rabbits and I say Not bunnies that will let you carry them around... all the other bunnies run in fear and try to escape from you... those bunnies suck and they are mean to each other... one got his ass kicked and has been temporarily staying in the rents bathroom.... and the bunny poops alot.... another bunny has a scrathed eyelid and it is swollenshut around its eye... yeah those bunnies suck....
I have some new pics to share but I will have to load them first so I'll let you know when.....
Update.... again
The new pics are up and they are from a 20 dollar digital camera. The camera takes crappy pics but I like them! Here is an example....
further update...
my new friend makes me happy...
I also wanted to write... I am playing fantasy football like I do every year... I doubt most of you give a shit but it's my journal and I want to bitch...
I have a weakness in my rb... I have Ladanian which is good but my other two are injured.... so today I spend all day figuring out what to do I put in a request to drop one of the injured asses and pick up Onterrio Smith..... Unfortunately because my team kicks ass I have low eligibility for waiver pick ups and this shit talker runs in and swoops away my guy then takes the secon choice guy...... I hate that guy.... he has been bitching since day one! Now I am going to have to scramble for a new prospect! Damn it! The rest suck! Oh by the way I am playing for money... and now I am playing for blood!
peggy: did the 2nd interview go?
Congrats!! You start the day before my birthday. That's just a good week in general I guess.