I have no idea why I am updating....
I just feel a need to avoid telling saif why I would be a good claims adjuster. F'n Nazi scum! How elitest can you be to not only make people send in a resume and a cover letter buta lso have them complete an application and write short essay answers to 2 questions! F' them!
But I am going to do it anyway! Because I need a job!
Hey i am going to do a little freeflow poetry style. It may suck but it will still show up on my post! Help me name it! I hope you likes it!
He swore it wouldn't happen again
And yet there it was
Plain as day
What would be his excuse this time
"how did that get there?"
The old innocence technique, Good one!
Yet they don't buy it
"It followed me home, honest!"
Good show old chum,
That one will definately work
That's odd they seem to be rejecting it
"my dog ate it!"
Hmmm... a bit confusing
Good ploy throw them off their game!
And yet still no success...
I am at a loss How will he explain it this time
I think he is caught this time...
"I love your new hairstyle! You look radiant!"
UH...... uh.....
He gets to keep it!
And who could be happier!
That is a mighty fine stuffed duck!
I just feel a need to avoid telling saif why I would be a good claims adjuster. F'n Nazi scum! How elitest can you be to not only make people send in a resume and a cover letter buta lso have them complete an application and write short essay answers to 2 questions! F' them!
But I am going to do it anyway! Because I need a job!
Hey i am going to do a little freeflow poetry style. It may suck but it will still show up on my post! Help me name it! I hope you likes it!
He swore it wouldn't happen again
And yet there it was
Plain as day
What would be his excuse this time
"how did that get there?"
The old innocence technique, Good one!
Yet they don't buy it
"It followed me home, honest!"
Good show old chum,
That one will definately work
That's odd they seem to be rejecting it
"my dog ate it!"
Hmmm... a bit confusing
Good ploy throw them off their game!
And yet still no success...
I am at a loss How will he explain it this time
I think he is caught this time...
"I love your new hairstyle! You look radiant!"
UH...... uh.....
He gets to keep it!
And who could be happier!
That is a mighty fine stuffed duck!

Ugh....wal-mart....the happening place of the south. I'm afraid i've spent far too many hours of my life in one of those.