Well it has been hotter then hell the last 2 days. Portland has been over a hundred degrees two days in a row and it looks like it will continue through tomorrow. Last night I went out drinking because the bars have nice cold liquid. i got really smashed and my plans to go hiking fell through as I did not get up until 1 pm. Yeah 1 pm! What was even worse was we had some people replacing one window in every apartment. It is this little tiny useless window but whatever. ANyway that meant around 9 am they were banging away.... it was terrible with a hangover! I was still too drunk and exhausted to do anything but lay there drifting in and out of consciousness between them hammering away. When I finally got up I decided to go to the mall where there would be AC. I decided to see a movie and chose Mirrors... terrible movie! Anyway I ran into this girl I have a huge crush on and we are hanging out tomorrow night!
yay! After the terrible movie I read in Barnes and Noble until nightfall.