I transversed Washington today. We started at 8 AM and I just arrived home 10 minutes ago at 10 PM. We started out by heading North and West to Aberdeen. It is the home of the Star Wars Store. Somebody in Aberdeen has a store that only sells Star Wars related items. They had posted hours of 4 PM to 7 PM and a piece of paper at the top left side of the sign that said "Hours for this week". So apparently it can change depending on the shop owner's mood. In the bottom left corner another piece of paper was attached that said "Out of town guests can call him if they find the store unopened during their visit" and his number appeared there. After that bit of excitement it was on to the exciting town of Shelton. There is nothing in Shelton as far as I could tell it was the town consisted of a couple shops along the freeway that were real hard to get to. From there we headed further North to Port Orchard. Nothing to report about Port Orchard either....
After the Port Orchard stop the day was essentially done except for the drive home. We were across the bay from Seattle and Jason knew of a great burger joint. We were famished because it had been since breakfast since the three compadres had eaten. We had two choices we could drive down to Tacoma and back up to Seattle or we could hop a car ferry to Seattle. We chose the latter. It was 14 bucks to take your car from the town of Bremmerton to Seattle and when we got there we had an hour to kill. We decided to take a walk around the town of Bremmerton which seems to be all garages and empty buildings. I think there was like 20 stores in an area filled with empty office buildings. It was bizarre. They also had the Puget Sound Naval Ship yards there so maybe one day I will go back and tour some of those ships. I think that is something you can do in Bremmerton. The only thing from what I could tell. Finally it was time to board the Ferry and that was entertaining. I never knew those ferries could hold so many vehicles. I spent most of the trip in the car because I did not have a jacket to break the bitingly cold wind. I did get out and head up top and decided that the ferry ride was something I would love to do again with the right type of clothes. I was a little disappointed that no movie moments happened like the overboard horse in the Ring or the last minute motorcycle jump as the ferry pulls away from every single movie that has a ferry in it ever made.
Seattle was a little different then what I think of when I think North West. They had all the grungy weird people and the punkers but the city looked like it was trying to emulate a bigger city from the East. It couldn't pull it off with all the people strolling around in sandals. The parking situation was awful. I thought downtown Portland was abhorrent but Seattle seemed worse. We needed to hit the bank for our burger joint and we found both banks kitty cornered at one light. We spent 10 minutes looking for a spot neither place had bank customer parking and all the streets had either a no parking sign or they were full. We finally found a spot and then we headed off to the burger joint. The place is called Dick's drive in. They have good prices and great burgers. I was told to get 2 of Dick's deluxes (2 patty cheeseburger with the fixings) but I decided one was fine and ended up having to wait in line twice. Then I decided I wanted a shake and got back in line a third time. It was great and I recommend hitting that place up if you ever find yourself wondering about in Seattle. This place was on Broadway and it actually had lots of customer parking unlike the bank. The thing I found most interesting was the bags they gave you were employment ads for Dick's. It was amazing to read the bag to tell you the truth. They were geared at recent high school graduates promising that if they worked full time during summer and part time (at least 20 hours) during the school year that Dick's would help pay tuition to the college of their choice. The first year they would pay up to $2500 per semester and I think the next year of employment they would pay 5k per semester. All they had to do was be a graduate from the 2006 class with proof of graduation, apply for the program and get hired before July, work full time the whole summer and part time during the school year and they would pay that. On top of that Dick's pays 8.75 per hour starting plus 1005 of benefits as long as you work 24 hours minimum a week. This was an amazing offer and all three of us were floored. We are talking about a fast food burger joint here! My recommendation is to move here if you have kids before their senior year and force them to work at Dick's when they graduate high school. Am I the only one amazed by that?
Then we headed home and hit delay after delay. I am so glad to be home. I am saying good night because the call center starts at 5 AM.
After the Port Orchard stop the day was essentially done except for the drive home. We were across the bay from Seattle and Jason knew of a great burger joint. We were famished because it had been since breakfast since the three compadres had eaten. We had two choices we could drive down to Tacoma and back up to Seattle or we could hop a car ferry to Seattle. We chose the latter. It was 14 bucks to take your car from the town of Bremmerton to Seattle and when we got there we had an hour to kill. We decided to take a walk around the town of Bremmerton which seems to be all garages and empty buildings. I think there was like 20 stores in an area filled with empty office buildings. It was bizarre. They also had the Puget Sound Naval Ship yards there so maybe one day I will go back and tour some of those ships. I think that is something you can do in Bremmerton. The only thing from what I could tell. Finally it was time to board the Ferry and that was entertaining. I never knew those ferries could hold so many vehicles. I spent most of the trip in the car because I did not have a jacket to break the bitingly cold wind. I did get out and head up top and decided that the ferry ride was something I would love to do again with the right type of clothes. I was a little disappointed that no movie moments happened like the overboard horse in the Ring or the last minute motorcycle jump as the ferry pulls away from every single movie that has a ferry in it ever made.
Seattle was a little different then what I think of when I think North West. They had all the grungy weird people and the punkers but the city looked like it was trying to emulate a bigger city from the East. It couldn't pull it off with all the people strolling around in sandals. The parking situation was awful. I thought downtown Portland was abhorrent but Seattle seemed worse. We needed to hit the bank for our burger joint and we found both banks kitty cornered at one light. We spent 10 minutes looking for a spot neither place had bank customer parking and all the streets had either a no parking sign or they were full. We finally found a spot and then we headed off to the burger joint. The place is called Dick's drive in. They have good prices and great burgers. I was told to get 2 of Dick's deluxes (2 patty cheeseburger with the fixings) but I decided one was fine and ended up having to wait in line twice. Then I decided I wanted a shake and got back in line a third time. It was great and I recommend hitting that place up if you ever find yourself wondering about in Seattle. This place was on Broadway and it actually had lots of customer parking unlike the bank. The thing I found most interesting was the bags they gave you were employment ads for Dick's. It was amazing to read the bag to tell you the truth. They were geared at recent high school graduates promising that if they worked full time during summer and part time (at least 20 hours) during the school year that Dick's would help pay tuition to the college of their choice. The first year they would pay up to $2500 per semester and I think the next year of employment they would pay 5k per semester. All they had to do was be a graduate from the 2006 class with proof of graduation, apply for the program and get hired before July, work full time the whole summer and part time during the school year and they would pay that. On top of that Dick's pays 8.75 per hour starting plus 1005 of benefits as long as you work 24 hours minimum a week. This was an amazing offer and all three of us were floored. We are talking about a fast food burger joint here! My recommendation is to move here if you have kids before their senior year and force them to work at Dick's when they graduate high school. Am I the only one amazed by that?
Then we headed home and hit delay after delay. I am so glad to be home. I am saying good night because the call center starts at 5 AM.
Seattle has always sounded cool to me. You had 2 deluxe dicks! LOL!