I had a pretty good time last night!
Megan and Nathan are good fun to hang out with - and everyone else was great too.
I'm still annoyed with work though..
I'm scheduled twelve days straight - and I just don't think that's going to help me feel any less burn out.
I love making coffee though.. I'm so torn. Coffee is so great. And I love steaming milk and making drinks and making people happy with tasty beverages - but I need to get out of the corporate atmosphere... but, apparently they are going to be making some changes to the company. They are even considering switching to manual machines. If they do - they will lose a lot of business.
Ah well.
I like mirror pictures!
I have so much hair now. It's crazy.
Megan and Nathan are good fun to hang out with - and everyone else was great too.
I'm still annoyed with work though..
I'm scheduled twelve days straight - and I just don't think that's going to help me feel any less burn out.
I love making coffee though.. I'm so torn. Coffee is so great. And I love steaming milk and making drinks and making people happy with tasty beverages - but I need to get out of the corporate atmosphere... but, apparently they are going to be making some changes to the company. They are even considering switching to manual machines. If they do - they will lose a lot of business.
Ah well.

I like mirror pictures!
I have so much hair now. It's crazy.
..I jest, I jest. Work your booty off. LORD KNOWS I DO.