1.Who has seen you in your underwear lately?
2. Is it awkward when you run into your exes?
i don't have that problem.
3. What are you looking forward to?
my birthday. it's a month away.
4. When did you last talk to your brother or sister?
the beginning of the year.
5. What did you do the last time you were home alone?
well, i'm normally not home alone.. everyone is just asleep.
6. Do you ever wanna know who you're going to marry?
that's a weird question.
7. Have you ever watched the Real World?
i think so, but i'm not sure.
8. How much cash do you have on you?
i have some of my tips in my purse.
10. Are you tanned?
far from it.
11. Are you upset with anyone?
not at all.
13. Have you ever seen your best friend cry?
i think so.
14. Who's your number 5 friend on your top friends?
15. Did you get any compliments today?
yes. on how awesome tracey and i made the store look.
16. Have you ever gone to court?
traffic court and for jury duty.
17. Are you friends with your neighbors?
i do not know them.
18. What's the last text message in your inbox say?
i have no clue.
19. When was the last time you drove more than 15 minutes?
on the way home from work today.
20. Have you ever punched a guy?
steven, but it's just for play.
21. Do you get jealous easily?
sometimes, but not nearly as much as i used to.
22. Have you ever played Spin the Bottle?
nuh uh. my teenage life was lacking in that area.
23. Toilet papered someone's house?
see above.
24. Have you ever had a crush on your brother's or sister's friends?
25. Have you ever gone to the beach?
unfortunately, no.
26. What are you listening to?
every time i die.
27. Do you remember your music teacher's name from elementary school?
not right now, but i can see her very clearly in my head.
28. How good is your eye sight?
without contacts/glasses? horrible.
29. Would you ever want to swim with the sharks?
they might eat me!!!!
30. What would you say if I told you I was in love with your brother?
this is a stupid question.
31. Have you ever been out of your country?
sadly.. no.
32. Would your parents be mad if you got arrested for fighting?
more than likely, unless i was fighting for a damn good reason.
33. Where are your sibling(s) right now?
at home, i would imagine.
35. Who was the last person to call you?
my boy.
36. What time did you wake up this morning?
eleven... oi.
37. What are you doing next weekend?
39. What's in your back pocket?
i lack those.
41. What were you doing at 3am this morning?
playing with mini-glow sticks with steven.
42. What do you usually do first in the morning?
43. Who is your favorite band?
the blood brothers... maybe.
44. What is the status of you and the last person you called?
wonderful. :3
45. What is wrong with you right now?
i miss my boy and i am quite sleepy.
47. When did you last cry?
i am not sure.
48. Who do you hate?
51. Drinking?
nothing.. yet.
52. What's your favorite thing to have on your bed?
53. What do you wear to bed?
nothin, normally.
54. Do you tend to make relationships complicated?
i don't think so.
56. Are you friends with all of your exes?
57. Whose house did you go to last night?
no ones.
58. What about the night before that?
see above.
59. Do you like anyone right now?
steven, to put it lightly.
60. Are you bored?
61. What is the last movie you watched?
63. Who was last to touch your butt?
steven. lol.
64. When you sleep do you dream about your significant other?
sometimessss. i have weird dreams though.
65. What's on your mind right now?
my work situation, moving, the future and steven, of course.
67. Name someone whose name starts with the letter "J"
john. there are so many of them.
68. Do you care what others think about you?
69. Do you trust people easily?
70. Do you think you'll be married in 10 years?
very much so.
71. Will you kiss the last person you kissed again?
a million times over and over.
72. What do you look forward to in the next 3 months?
my birthday, getting a piercing, getting a new computer, moving.
2. Is it awkward when you run into your exes?
i don't have that problem.
3. What are you looking forward to?
my birthday. it's a month away.
4. When did you last talk to your brother or sister?
the beginning of the year.
5. What did you do the last time you were home alone?
well, i'm normally not home alone.. everyone is just asleep.
6. Do you ever wanna know who you're going to marry?
that's a weird question.
7. Have you ever watched the Real World?
i think so, but i'm not sure.
8. How much cash do you have on you?
i have some of my tips in my purse.
10. Are you tanned?
far from it.
11. Are you upset with anyone?
not at all.
13. Have you ever seen your best friend cry?
i think so.
14. Who's your number 5 friend on your top friends?
15. Did you get any compliments today?
yes. on how awesome tracey and i made the store look.
16. Have you ever gone to court?
traffic court and for jury duty.
17. Are you friends with your neighbors?
i do not know them.
18. What's the last text message in your inbox say?
i have no clue.
19. When was the last time you drove more than 15 minutes?
on the way home from work today.
20. Have you ever punched a guy?
steven, but it's just for play.
21. Do you get jealous easily?
sometimes, but not nearly as much as i used to.
22. Have you ever played Spin the Bottle?
nuh uh. my teenage life was lacking in that area.
23. Toilet papered someone's house?
see above.
24. Have you ever had a crush on your brother's or sister's friends?
25. Have you ever gone to the beach?
unfortunately, no.
26. What are you listening to?
every time i die.
27. Do you remember your music teacher's name from elementary school?
not right now, but i can see her very clearly in my head.
28. How good is your eye sight?
without contacts/glasses? horrible.
29. Would you ever want to swim with the sharks?
they might eat me!!!!
30. What would you say if I told you I was in love with your brother?
this is a stupid question.
31. Have you ever been out of your country?
sadly.. no.
32. Would your parents be mad if you got arrested for fighting?
more than likely, unless i was fighting for a damn good reason.
33. Where are your sibling(s) right now?
at home, i would imagine.
35. Who was the last person to call you?
my boy.
36. What time did you wake up this morning?
eleven... oi.
37. What are you doing next weekend?
39. What's in your back pocket?
i lack those.
41. What were you doing at 3am this morning?
playing with mini-glow sticks with steven.
42. What do you usually do first in the morning?
43. Who is your favorite band?
the blood brothers... maybe.
44. What is the status of you and the last person you called?
wonderful. :3
45. What is wrong with you right now?
i miss my boy and i am quite sleepy.
47. When did you last cry?
i am not sure.
48. Who do you hate?
51. Drinking?
nothing.. yet.
52. What's your favorite thing to have on your bed?
53. What do you wear to bed?
nothin, normally.
54. Do you tend to make relationships complicated?
i don't think so.
56. Are you friends with all of your exes?
57. Whose house did you go to last night?
no ones.
58. What about the night before that?
see above.
59. Do you like anyone right now?
steven, to put it lightly.
60. Are you bored?
61. What is the last movie you watched?
63. Who was last to touch your butt?
steven. lol.
64. When you sleep do you dream about your significant other?
sometimessss. i have weird dreams though.
65. What's on your mind right now?
my work situation, moving, the future and steven, of course.
67. Name someone whose name starts with the letter "J"
john. there are so many of them.
68. Do you care what others think about you?
69. Do you trust people easily?
70. Do you think you'll be married in 10 years?
very much so.
71. Will you kiss the last person you kissed again?
a million times over and over.
72. What do you look forward to in the next 3 months?
my birthday, getting a piercing, getting a new computer, moving.

i used to suck at scrabble but i am getting pretty good at it now!

yeah, pictionary has a lot of potential to be awesome, but it has to be with people who know how to play!