My boss is an idiot.
He's the head of the IT department and the only person within this company to infect his computer with a virus. We have about a hundred employees and most of these people wouldn't know how to spell the word computer, let alone operate one. They're the kind of people who look for the [ANY] key. But none of these yokels have managed to infect their systems with a virus because we have a very high degree of protection including (amongst other things) scanners on every system and a dedicated server running a viruswall. But still he managed to infect his computer with a W32@Bagle variant.
This is a man who once told me I could not use a green USB cable to connect a printer, because he felt printers should have traditional grey cables. A man who, on the event of his 25th anniversary with the company, read from a speech consisting of 6 pages of densely crammed text in which he talked about his many achievements and merits. A man who did not want me to take courses that could have helped me develop my skills; who kept me back in pay because he felt I was nothing more than a "webmaster", but had no problems heaping network and systems administration onto my plate of tasks.
He is the proverbial big fish in a small pond, although this particular company should probably be likened more to a shallow puddle. He is a man who considers himself good at dealing with people and even advertises himself as such on his resume. Yet this same man manages to piss off every living human being within 10 miles of his current position. And I'm sure there's a few dead ones out there who'd like to break his kneecaps.
You may be asking yourself what the point of this journal entry is. Well, as of yesterday, I've learned that when we are taken over (scheduled for next year), I will have a job with the new company.
He won't.
Karma finally woke from its coma of 5 years, wiped its drool-encrusted chin and did its job.
He's the head of the IT department and the only person within this company to infect his computer with a virus. We have about a hundred employees and most of these people wouldn't know how to spell the word computer, let alone operate one. They're the kind of people who look for the [ANY] key. But none of these yokels have managed to infect their systems with a virus because we have a very high degree of protection including (amongst other things) scanners on every system and a dedicated server running a viruswall. But still he managed to infect his computer with a W32@Bagle variant.
This is a man who once told me I could not use a green USB cable to connect a printer, because he felt printers should have traditional grey cables. A man who, on the event of his 25th anniversary with the company, read from a speech consisting of 6 pages of densely crammed text in which he talked about his many achievements and merits. A man who did not want me to take courses that could have helped me develop my skills; who kept me back in pay because he felt I was nothing more than a "webmaster", but had no problems heaping network and systems administration onto my plate of tasks.
He is the proverbial big fish in a small pond, although this particular company should probably be likened more to a shallow puddle. He is a man who considers himself good at dealing with people and even advertises himself as such on his resume. Yet this same man manages to piss off every living human being within 10 miles of his current position. And I'm sure there's a few dead ones out there who'd like to break his kneecaps.
You may be asking yourself what the point of this journal entry is. Well, as of yesterday, I've learned that when we are taken over (scheduled for next year), I will have a job with the new company.
He won't.
Karma finally woke from its coma of 5 years, wiped its drool-encrusted chin and did its job.

You are a very sweet touching man to help me stay outside. Especially touching.

I haven't seen the Corpse bride yey.I really want to though.I work for an idiot as well.I feel your pain