How the hell can a webcomic be capable of making me feel so fucking lonely? It's like garbage getting you hot and moist or the sight of a panda making you hungry.
Usually a bar of Cote d'Or milk chocolate does the trick, but A) I'm not in possession of said bar and B) it's a bad idea to gulp one down, unless I enjoy not being able to see my own feet when I look down.
The only thing that can make me smile right now is asleep in the next room, hugging his little stuffed clown and sometimes muttering in his sleep.
Why is it I can legally pay $150 in this country to get laid, but I can't for the life of me find someone who wants to eat icecream, watch a movie and kiss and cuddle?
Usually a bar of Cote d'Or milk chocolate does the trick, but A) I'm not in possession of said bar and B) it's a bad idea to gulp one down, unless I enjoy not being able to see my own feet when I look down.
The only thing that can make me smile right now is asleep in the next room, hugging his little stuffed clown and sometimes muttering in his sleep.
Why is it I can legally pay $150 in this country to get laid, but I can't for the life of me find someone who wants to eat icecream, watch a movie and kiss and cuddle?
You have to ask?!!
I love icecream with kisses on top