I am a total quiz whore.
I live for random linguistically challenged internet users to tell me which carebear I am, what type of chocolate cake, what subterranean fungus, what style of medieval underwear, the color of my hypothetical goldfish's aura, the contents of my stomach, how long my penis is compared to Stalin's and of course what dead US President's dog I am. All without using capitals, interpunction or even existing words.
Also, I ♥ Robot Chicken. I want to marry you, Seth Green. And I will be having your babies, I don't give a fuck what science, the bible or common sense tells me.
The point of this post? None whatsoever. In fact, Battlefield Earth and - for that matter - Mila Jovovich's new lobotomizing poopfest Ultraviolet had more to say than this journal entry. What are you going to do, sue me to get back the two minutes you wasted on reading it?
Edit: for the lovely flamingnerd:
You are the royal angel, the boss of all angels. You are the one who helps all of the angels in heaven find jobs, meet friends, and have a great, ummm, after-life.
You have purple hair
You love wearing silk
You love flowers
You have grey eyes.
You are a lightening-breathing dragon, although tempermantal at time you are happy-go-lucky and have fun with your friends and family. you enjoy storms and can be a little bit random at times!
You are a Capricorn born in the most chalenging time of the year, duh, it is mid-winter!! Your animal symbol is the mountain goat with a fishes tail, like a mergoat!! You are serious, practical, hard-working, down to earth, realistic, disciplined, focused, responsible, authoritive, dominating, rigid, conservative, severe, trustworthy, traditional, and last but not least decisive!! You look forward to reaching your goles or you look towards higher order. And about that mergoat, you are 75% goat and only, you guessed it, 25% fish, so your good in the water but more "triumphant" on the land.
-your element is earth
-your lucky colors are brown, dark green and granite grey
-your metal is lead
-your precious stone is Garnet
-and your day of the week is saturday!!
-your true love is a virgo, scorpio, taurus, or cancer!!
-the parts of the body that you rule are the teeth, bones, knees, and joints!!
You are the Goddess of Darkness or the Daughter of the Night! You are not evil, though you can be at times, but you are misunderstood and you whould rather be alone then hang in a group. You tend to look at the half empty side of the glass rather then the full side. Your power stone is an opal, as dark as you are, Your power color is black, the color of the darkness in which you reside. Your metal is tin and the animal that you can turn into is a raven, majestic and dark.
he may flirt, but all he wants out of you is friendship so just enjoy it, you can see him every day, and mabe just one day the friendship may turn into love!
I live for random linguistically challenged internet users to tell me which carebear I am, what type of chocolate cake, what subterranean fungus, what style of medieval underwear, the color of my hypothetical goldfish's aura, the contents of my stomach, how long my penis is compared to Stalin's and of course what dead US President's dog I am. All without using capitals, interpunction or even existing words.
Also, I ♥ Robot Chicken. I want to marry you, Seth Green. And I will be having your babies, I don't give a fuck what science, the bible or common sense tells me.
The point of this post? None whatsoever. In fact, Battlefield Earth and - for that matter - Mila Jovovich's new lobotomizing poopfest Ultraviolet had more to say than this journal entry. What are you going to do, sue me to get back the two minutes you wasted on reading it?

Edit: for the lovely flamingnerd:

You are the royal angel, the boss of all angels. You are the one who helps all of the angels in heaven find jobs, meet friends, and have a great, ummm, after-life.
You have purple hair
You love wearing silk
You love flowers
You have grey eyes.

You are a lightening-breathing dragon, although tempermantal at time you are happy-go-lucky and have fun with your friends and family. you enjoy storms and can be a little bit random at times!

You are a Capricorn born in the most chalenging time of the year, duh, it is mid-winter!! Your animal symbol is the mountain goat with a fishes tail, like a mergoat!! You are serious, practical, hard-working, down to earth, realistic, disciplined, focused, responsible, authoritive, dominating, rigid, conservative, severe, trustworthy, traditional, and last but not least decisive!! You look forward to reaching your goles or you look towards higher order. And about that mergoat, you are 75% goat and only, you guessed it, 25% fish, so your good in the water but more "triumphant" on the land.
-your element is earth
-your lucky colors are brown, dark green and granite grey
-your metal is lead
-your precious stone is Garnet
-and your day of the week is saturday!!
-your true love is a virgo, scorpio, taurus, or cancer!!
-the parts of the body that you rule are the teeth, bones, knees, and joints!!

You are the Goddess of Darkness or the Daughter of the Night! You are not evil, though you can be at times, but you are misunderstood and you whould rather be alone then hang in a group. You tend to look at the half empty side of the glass rather then the full side. Your power stone is an opal, as dark as you are, Your power color is black, the color of the darkness in which you reside. Your metal is tin and the animal that you can turn into is a raven, majestic and dark.
he may flirt, but all he wants out of you is friendship so just enjoy it, you can see him every day, and mabe just one day the friendship may turn into love!
Have I told you lately that I love You?
Those paintings and poems are lovely.We have too much in common,you and I. Had I known you were here in california earlier,I would've made the drive

By the way,Bruce Campbell is fucking awesome.Have you seen Screaming brain? Love it.