I might be able to put up pics of my 99.9% finished three quarter sleeve before I leave for the US on Tuesday morning. I might.
If not...well...you're not exactly going to be traumatized, are you?
Anyway, as might be clear from that little nugget of information above, I'm going to be in the US for almost four weeks. The first week will be spent in Austin, TX. After that, I pack my shit up and move to the West coast, taking up residence for another week in Santa Cruz. And on the 25th I fly north along the coast to Seattle and Vancouver, WA with some definite excursions to Portland (I've been told).
During my last two weeks I'll be taken in by the fabulous Octane and PatrickY.
I'm going to miss my little monster though. Four weeks is fucking long when you're me. I miss the kid when he's sleeping at his mother's, who lives 5 minutes away. *sigh*
Oh, and the bastards that brought you Pirates of the Carribean have turned my fucking tattoo into the second movie in that series. Watch the trailer, then look at my sleeve. Fuckers.
PS Peche is hot. I'm talking sizzling, soul-scorching, ow-motherfucker-that-hurts-jesus-my-eyes-are-melting hot. Just so you know.
Edit: I'm off, people. See you in four weeks.
If not...well...you're not exactly going to be traumatized, are you?

Anyway, as might be clear from that little nugget of information above, I'm going to be in the US for almost four weeks. The first week will be spent in Austin, TX. After that, I pack my shit up and move to the West coast, taking up residence for another week in Santa Cruz. And on the 25th I fly north along the coast to Seattle and Vancouver, WA with some definite excursions to Portland (I've been told).
During my last two weeks I'll be taken in by the fabulous Octane and PatrickY.
I'm going to miss my little monster though. Four weeks is fucking long when you're me. I miss the kid when he's sleeping at his mother's, who lives 5 minutes away. *sigh*
Oh, and the bastards that brought you Pirates of the Carribean have turned my fucking tattoo into the second movie in that series. Watch the trailer, then look at my sleeve. Fuckers.

PS Peche is hot. I'm talking sizzling, soul-scorching, ow-motherfucker-that-hurts-jesus-my-eyes-are-melting hot. Just so you know.

Edit: I'm off, people. See you in four weeks.
Join Violin Doubters Anonymous, gorgeous. I started it up last week.
Your nametag is there. If you'd just like to tell the group who you are and why you're here, we can move on to kicking the everlasting crap out of Cupid. If you want, we have baseball bats with nails through them.
I want to chase, maim, murderdeathkill Cupid to hell and back.
I want a hammer.
I made more pictures today... purrr.
Crap. I forgot. There is one case of the violin known... current case anyway.
Feb 14th will be a one year anniversary for that particular violin...
[Edited on Feb 12, 2006 9:38PM]