Alright, so that wasn't a very memorable journal update. As forgettable as most of Uwe Boll's movies really. And that may even be a bit hard on poor old Uwe.
Today was Maarten's third birthday. Unfortunately, his mother got sick yesterday, so I had to do all the groceries for the party by myself, in addition to my own groceries, and I offered to have him stay and sleep with me that day, so she could get some rest.
The party was fun and - most of all - hectic, as both my ex-wife and I ran around serving drinks, keeping a hyper-active kid from foaming at the mouth and more people filed into her little apartment than could possibly fit. On the other hand, it does show how many people care about the little monster.
Here's some pictures for you.
Maarten got a little cake shaped (somewhat) like a pirate ship.
And someone thought it would be a good idea to give him a set of electronic bongos. Mental note: kill her later.
Maarten threatens Erik with his pirate sword. This was followed by Erik spanking Maarten with his own sword. A lesson learned...
I'm looking forward to getting the first lines for my new tattoo down. All I can do is wait of course. I tried the whole virgin sacrifice thing, even burning a few prize goats at midnight under a full moon, but time didn't seem to speed up. *grumble*
Ah well. I suppose this patience thing is a virtue. Not that it'll balance out any of my vices. The little devil on my shoulder long ago gagged and bound the little angel. Who knows where he buried the corpse?
Today was Maarten's third birthday. Unfortunately, his mother got sick yesterday, so I had to do all the groceries for the party by myself, in addition to my own groceries, and I offered to have him stay and sleep with me that day, so she could get some rest.
The party was fun and - most of all - hectic, as both my ex-wife and I ran around serving drinks, keeping a hyper-active kid from foaming at the mouth and more people filed into her little apartment than could possibly fit. On the other hand, it does show how many people care about the little monster.

Here's some pictures for you.
Maarten got a little cake shaped (somewhat) like a pirate ship.
And someone thought it would be a good idea to give him a set of electronic bongos. Mental note: kill her later.

Maarten threatens Erik with his pirate sword. This was followed by Erik spanking Maarten with his own sword. A lesson learned...

I'm looking forward to getting the first lines for my new tattoo down. All I can do is wait of course. I tried the whole virgin sacrifice thing, even burning a few prize goats at midnight under a full moon, but time didn't seem to speed up. *grumble*

Ah well. I suppose this patience thing is a virtue. Not that it'll balance out any of my vices. The little devil on my shoulder long ago gagged and bound the little angel. Who knows where he buried the corpse?

surely he'll grow up to be gratefull of what a cool dad ha has, eh?