I met with the artist who'll be doing my - sleeve, Robert Aalbers, last Saturday to discuss the images I'd collected during the last few weeks and brainstorm a bit about the elements I want in there and the style it should be in. We settled on an oldschool approach to Cthulhu Rising (as I've nicknamed the tattoo
), with some piratey elements introduced as well. The elder sign and the sign of the King in Yellow will probably be carved into one of the skulls or skeletons incorporated into the image.
We decided on November 1st for our first appointment, so I'm really excited about that.
Meanwhile, I've just returned from a four day mini-vacation in Disneyland Paris with my son and my ex-wife. Trust me, if you love emotional torture, try this. Satisfaction guaranteed.
It's not like I didn't have fun - because I did and I had a lot of it too -, but it's kind of fucked up to be seen as a cute little family when you're actually not in the least. Ah well, as I said, I had plenty of fun thanks to the nice weather, the park, my son's joy and charming little remarks (such as noting that mommy's breasts were lumps caused by the stings of - and I quote - "really big bees") and the company of my ex-wife, strangely enough. *shrug*
Oh, by the way, she's filed an application to be a Suicide Girl and got through the first stage. Wish her and sexy Peche luck!
Anyway, here are some pics from our stay...

We decided on November 1st for our first appointment, so I'm really excited about that.

Meanwhile, I've just returned from a four day mini-vacation in Disneyland Paris with my son and my ex-wife. Trust me, if you love emotional torture, try this. Satisfaction guaranteed.
It's not like I didn't have fun - because I did and I had a lot of it too -, but it's kind of fucked up to be seen as a cute little family when you're actually not in the least. Ah well, as I said, I had plenty of fun thanks to the nice weather, the park, my son's joy and charming little remarks (such as noting that mommy's breasts were lumps caused by the stings of - and I quote - "really big bees") and the company of my ex-wife, strangely enough. *shrug*
Oh, by the way, she's filed an application to be a Suicide Girl and got through the first stage. Wish her and sexy Peche luck!
Anyway, here are some pics from our stay...

and your ex is certainly yummy, yea, that's a word i prefer too..