Sometimes humans surprise you with love and kindness. There was a huge turnout for my benefit show!!! Awesome bands rocked the Art Prostitute Gallery the whole night through. Shiney Around the Edges, Early Lines and Record Hop get my enthusiastic praise for sweetness and talent! We raised a bit of $$ for the bills... we even made rad tee shirts to sell... it has an ardvark driving a shark car and says "beware of landsharks" (cuz the scar on my leg looks like a shark bite
) We still have lots of tee shirts and I still have lots of debt so if anyone wants to be gracious go to and get a shirt. How beautiful for a communtiy of broke college kids to pool their resources to help out a friend and in many cases a stranger
I have a new faith in humanity... maybe this world does have what it takes to express the ultimate love of creation. On a lighter note my back peice is finished but for one feather and a tree top!! Can't wait to show y'all the masterpeice completed!!!! I'm about to move into the cutest house with the cutest roomate ever
I'm almost done with my massage internship and then I can go forth and heal the masses with my bare hands! till next time y'all better add me to your favorite suicidegirls list

You've been on my fav list for a while! hehehe..and I will buy a cool shirt too.

You should update more