OK so i'm not surprised we have another four years of tyranny, and i imagine this term will be far worse than the last since there's no hope for re-election. But I work for an environmwental activist group in TX so this administration ensures job security. Jr. is determined to bring about the New World Order his daddy prophecied and The Christian Coalition orchistrated. These boys see the earth as a resource to be exploited not as the sustenance their existence depends on. Our current course of overconsumption and irresponsible technological growth will end soon one way or another. Either by a consious shift to a sustainable peace or by the system burning itself out. For myself... i choose a paradigm shift over nuclear holocaust. Perhaps the extremism of the Bush Administration will shake the public out of their comfort zones enough to act for healing and peace. Or maybe not but we'll find out soon enough. On a lighter note the engine in my car siezed and I am left stranded in Dallas with no transportation. Big TX oil don't take kindly to efficient mass transit. They make you do penance for not owning a car.

Happy B-Day!
happy bday cutie!