I introduce myself to you with a scary tale that ends well. My friend "Judith" was walking to her car in a very affluent Dallas suburb. Suddenly, a man in a nice suit waering cologne comes up behind her grabs her shoulders and slams her against her car! As he tried to force his leg beween hers prying them open she broke out in a panic sweat. Luckily she's obsessed with body lotion which when combined with copious amounts of sweat has the effect of a greased pig, and so she was able to wiggle free. In an hysterical fit "Judith" began to wail on him throwing all her fear and strength into each blow while screaming like a maddened animal. After beating him down she jumped in her car and hauled ass running over his legs which had fallen beneath the car. Many blessings that she remained fearful but unscathed. However throughout this violating ordeal witnesses in that same parking lot sat idly by and let her fend for herself!!!
We lecture women on self protection, carry mace, concealed handguns, watch what you wear, don't be caught outdoors in the dark of night unescorted. In other words, we tell the victims to be responsible for preventing their own victimisation, instead of holding our violent patriarchal system accountable for it's injustice. More wretched than that we as citizens refuse to take care and watch out for eachother. Trust me in this neighborhood children emerge from the womb with a cell phone attached to their ear. It would've taken one person screaming at that cowardly rapist "I just called the COPS!!! and you've got several witnesses" to avert the situation. He couldn't possibly take on bystanders and a panic stricken cyclone woman simultaneously. How could those insidious witnesses go on with their lives with any remote sense of safety knowing they passively let a violent act go down? Because if they can't be bothered to stand up when called then how can they expect another to come to their rescue? Neighborhood crime watch BAHH HUMBUG
Love oneanother and fight the violence inherent in the system. How's that for Homeland Security?

UGH, shit like that fucking drives me ape shit, I had to lay out some dip shit at my friend party the other night for grabing some girl and pulling his dick out on her, he was so much bigger than me, and a knucklehead that looks for trouble , I didn't even waist time with fists, I popped him over the head with an empty bottle of Windsor, then me and five guys grabed his fat ass and chucked him down the back stairs, I wish murder where legal some time, because people like this never amount to anything but trouble

sad, but not surprising. every time i leave NYC, i see how little people care for each other. granted, i've seen some fucked up things here, but i've seen a great percentage of people standing up for each other.