Tonight contemplating the work of tomorrow. Such a waste of tonight. Today was a good day... manual labor always leaves me feeling good; tired for an honest reason, unlike so much of my time. For the rest of my week, I'll be exhausted from having to explain how to use a browser to folks with PhD's. Imagine that: a high school dropout teaching the teachers of teachers(I work in a College of Education) how to do the simplest tasks because they never learned how to learn ( That sentence reads like a mass of confusion, but it makes sense. Really... Read it again!)
I feel driven for so much of my time. I never do anything halfway, so I put all of my energy into whatever I'm doing. It causes me to divide my time on a much longer scale than many people... I end up diving feet first into programming/ photography/ kung fu/ whatever else seizes me to the near-exclusion of everything else for weeks or months at a time.
I could really use two days for everyone else's one day. Or maybe a way to stay awake for 20 hours a day that won't kill me inside a year... Just some random thoughts on a Sunday night.
Oh, and I added a couple of crappy images of me and my tattoos, if anyone cares...
I feel driven for so much of my time. I never do anything halfway, so I put all of my energy into whatever I'm doing. It causes me to divide my time on a much longer scale than many people... I end up diving feet first into programming/ photography/ kung fu/ whatever else seizes me to the near-exclusion of everything else for weeks or months at a time.
I could really use two days for everyone else's one day. Or maybe a way to stay awake for 20 hours a day that won't kill me inside a year... Just some random thoughts on a Sunday night.
Oh, and I added a couple of crappy images of me and my tattoos, if anyone cares...
I never do anything halfway either. all or nothing.
I think it was in buddha's journal where he was saying something about hating sleep and what a waste of time it is. As much as I enjoy the rest I do get I wish I didn't need any at all. If I don't get 6hrs I feel like I've been run over by large vehicle. Of course when I was younger this wasn't such a problem. Last August I went to Vegas for four days and only got about 3 hours of sleep while I was there...but that was different