Just came back home from longboarding with a few friends, sharing a spliff, having a jagermeister, drunk/stoned longboarding back home hadn't had a night like this for ageeeeeeeees! good distraction if you have a lot of shit gong on (:
it's 3:16 am, can't sleep yet, so i'll be listening to this...
I like drop through longboards, they're more stable than the surfboard types (: I've had some issues with stability at high speed, speedwobbles occuring, not funny i kissed concrete that day!
Weather was great today, probably one of the last summer-like days over here, so i spent it fairy well i had a walk through the park, did a bit of shopping and made a surprise visit to my gf's work to ask her out. We went to see Frankenweenie by Tim Burton at the cinema after she finished work, which was incredible! I love his... Read More
Today i planned my next escape out of the country, Newcastle (: But first i'll be going to Edinburgh at the end of this month, and Ireland is also on the list, around christmas/new years. Im so stoked! I love travelling, I actually feel depressed when there's no holiday planned ahead i can look forward too, this should keep me satisfied till new years anyway... Read More
been a while since my last blog i finally finished all my school finals, on the 14th they're gonna let me know if i passed so im keeping my fingers crossed
btw the theme park i went to for my birthday (Phantasialand in germany) was great! they had a ride called Mystery Castle (a bungee ride) which was definitely my favorite
I've been a member for quite a while now, but i had to drop the shyness first
soo... my birthday is coming up (this friday)... it's keeping me awake, knowing that another year has passed and i have the feeling im going nowhere, but i guess that's pretty usual... or so i hope
i'll be going to my favorite themepark, which is great... Read More