Been ranting since I've been pent up at the are some highlights (or lowlights, depending on your personal stance)
On girls being dumb:
"Look, having a tattoo of a butterfly on you ankle does NOT make you a Suicide Girl. And in your case, being COVERED in ink wouldn't do it. Those women think for themselves and do what they do because it's what they want and what they feel. You, on the other hand, started doing this because you wanna fuck a guy in a band and think this would help your case. Do us and yourself a favor: go to your fucking three story house with your mom, dad, and your three SUVs, take that rad and hip stud out of your lip, remove the cute diamond from your nose, and be yourself. Until that day comes, shut the fuck up and stay away from me."
On Twitter:
"t pisses me off that EVERYONE has a cell phone, a laptop, a facebook, a myspace, email, a home phone, a GPS, and all this other SHIT and you STILL can't get in touch with them. And twitter. I knew I was forgetting something. And facebook, twitter, and myspace can all be set to go straight to your phone. STILL can't get in touch with people. And people always say "Well if only I had known I could have..."Why do you have all this wonderful technology if you WON'T FUCKING USE THE SHIT?!
<b>Twitter is fucking stupid anyway. It's the most retarded, fucking pointless goddamn shit EVER to be popular.
Twitter is the Paris Hilton of social networking. Twitter is seriously fucking useless. If it didn't exist, everyone would be the same or way better off. Same for Hilton.
Twitter is for self-absorbed, psuedo-famous popularity whores and their mindless sheep wannabes.</b>
I don't give two fucks about most people, which is WAY more than I give about knowing what you are doing each and every second of the day.
Stop being so goddamn self-absorbed and thinking the world gives a SHIT about you. Unless you're completely over-the-top famous, and even then, you do NOT need a fucking Twitter. Twitter is nothing but Facebook without the oh-so-taxing experience of typing your "About Me" section to appeal to the rest of the "unique sheep" that pretend to give a fuck."
On Jersey Shore/my generation:
Note: This was taken from a facebook posting, so I'll include the other replies.
Hugh L Batey
Jersey Shore, 16 and Pregnant/Teen Mom, and I Used to be Fat; are three of the stupidest shows ever. How pathetic is your life when you are entertained by watching other pathetic losers live theirs?
Adam Fagan Everyone likes Jersey Shore.
Stephen Barnett I disagree, Mr. Fagan. I hold only Paris Hilton in higher disregard to those ignorant, self-absorbed, psuedo-celebrity retard mindfucks and the sheep that tune in to watch them.
Hugh L Batey Thank you, Steve. I knew I could count on you for back-up on this. Why are these people celebrities?!?
Adam Fagan You kidding? Idiots + drama = hilarity of the highest degree.
Stephen Barnett I hate several things in life, but two of my top 5 are idiots, and drama. Another of the top 5: people who revel and/or derive entertainment from either of those two things. Therefore, I cannot stand Jersey Whores.
Adam Fagan Is it lonely up there on your pedestal?
Stephen Barnett
Actually, I don't get lonely at all. There are actually a fair amount of people who DON'T give in to every reality show whim that a major network tells us is the cool thing to watch.
And Hugh: They're celebrities because their own personal ...inane bullshit is an escape for people who want to ignore their own personal inane bullshit in order to feel better about themselves by laughing. It just happens that they (reality TV "stars") are lucky enough to have their idiocy filmed and broadcast to millions of sheeple all over the world.See More
Adam Fagan All entertainment is escapism. You may as well accept that truth.
Hugh L Batey There's nothing on but that stuff anymore. I usually just keep it on History Channel and hope for the best.
Stephen Barnett
No, Mr. Fagan, you are incorrect. I am entertained through several things, most of which involve self-improvement through learning new, useful things to make me either a better person or just plain happier.
The fact that I, due simply to age, am lumped into the same category as a generation that has had so much given to them only to abuse everything and turn to people like the cast of Jersey Shore, Paris Hilton, the Kardashians, and any other moron who can show some t&a to get their 15 minutes of fame...infuriates me to no end.
And then someone turns around and says ""You may as well accept that as truth" while referring to this garbage as "entertainment" just sends me over the top. This is NOT entertainment. This is a society allowing itself to self-destruct with no one giving a shit about it. As long as we're secure with our Twitter and our reality TV, who gives a damn about making sure our children are properly educated? Let's dress them like whores and see if we can get a reality show!
And I know, I know. The media pushes this down our throats, and makes it what we have! Do not blame the media for society's issues, because it's quite the other way around. The media shows us what we want to see. Which I'm kind of ok with. What I'm not ok with is when we as a culture decide that THIS is the best we have, and that's what we're ok with for ourselves.
Now, if you'll excuse me, I must use my soapbox as a step ladder to once again climb atop my lofty pedestal.See More
Adam Fagan You are lying if you are honestly insisting that those are the only things that entertain you. The rest of your post is nothing but a rant about how everything that came after you is going to shit. Every generation is the last generation. What a load.
Stephen Barnett
Actually, if you carefully read the first sentence of my post again, your first sentence becomes null and void.
"several things, **most** of which"
Now, I can enjoy mindless fun just as much as the next guy. While MOST (I'll capitalize from on, so you can follow along) of my entertainment comes from things with intelligence behind them, I also SOMETIMES enjoy watching cartoons, or the CBS Mon/Thur prime time line-ups.
And yes, it WAS indeed a rant, but if you actually paid attention (your lack of which seems to show your age, btw) you would have noticed that my "last generation" rant was actually directly and completely on-topic. I'm not exactly old enough to be bitching about "kids these days" or anything, but the people of MY generation (which could possibly include you) are, for the most part, idiots. Wanna know why they're idiots? Because they not only WATCH mindless drivel like the shows in question, but they CRAVE it. They want it to be THEIR lives. Which takes it beyond entertainment and into something much more dangerous, don't you think? How happy would you be in life if YOU had a sister, daughter, son, brother, whatever...and they had set their goal in life to be the next Snookie? Would you still feel as though your television was simply "escapism through entertainment?"
Adam Fagan
You admit to enjoying mindless entertainment, you admit to your own hypocrisy. The problem isn't mindless entertainment. If we didn't take the time to clear our heads and relax then we'd all go insane. The problem is that most people avoid... things that expand their intelligence. Some people genuinely hate learning or think they lack the capacity to learn efficiently. People avoid knowledge for different reasons. They think they don't have the time, they don't have the patience, they don't have the energy, the motivation, etc. There's no truth in lumping all of society's ills on one thing. The thing is, within the grand scheme of things, the majority of people have always been this way. Ignorance has always been the norm, intelligence is the anomaly. There is no societal degradation. It's all an illusion that has been created by eyes that have never really looked to the past.See More
Stephen Barnett
If a man breathes, then he is a hypocrite.
However, I don't believe myself to be a hypocrite (in this matter, anyway) because there is a difference between watching a collection of actors working out a script and watching reality TV. Did you notice that word there, "reality?"
I'm going to break your response down into parts, if that's ok.
"Some people genuinely hate learning..."
Those people are wasting resources that I need. Let them die off. Wall them into a town for idiots.
"They think they don't have the time, they don't have the patience, they don't have the energy, the motivation, etc."
Those people are stupid, or ignorant at best. You don't have time to learn, yet you have time to watch (just for the sake of keeping slightly on-topic) 16 and Pregnant? I'm pretty sure that Discovery or History has something on in that time slot also. You don't have the patience/the capacity to learn? Yet most of those people are fully able to memorize team rosters, stats, entire seasons of banal bullshit spouted out by bimbos? The energy to learn? I'm going to pretend you were kidding on this one...
"There's no truth in lumping all of society's ills on one thing."
Agreed. Don't get me started on Welfare, religion, politics, and drugs.
"Ignorance has always been the norm..."
Any we, as a people, fucking accept this WHY?! And it hasn't ALWAYS been that way. Ever hear of the Illuminati (The real ones, not the ones Dan Brown loves to write about)? Or, for that matter, ever hear of the Roman Empire, the Greeks, the English Royal family? The greatest civilizations this world has EVER seen...all based on leaders who valued strength of mind as well as strength of body.
"There is no societal degradation."
This isn't the most irresponsible comment I've ever heard made ONLY because it wasn't said by someone famous. To actually look at each decade, just in America, and say that there isn't a downward slant to the values, intelligence, and motivation of our culture as a whole is completely retarded. Violence, drug usage, rape, theft, honestly think that it's not worse than it was 1000 years ago, 500 years ago, a century ago, 50 years ago, a decade ago? The complete ignorance displayed by your last comment ALMOST completely destroys any argument you might have had.
I'll give you credit for proper punctuation, though.
On girls being dumb:
"Look, having a tattoo of a butterfly on you ankle does NOT make you a Suicide Girl. And in your case, being COVERED in ink wouldn't do it. Those women think for themselves and do what they do because it's what they want and what they feel. You, on the other hand, started doing this because you wanna fuck a guy in a band and think this would help your case. Do us and yourself a favor: go to your fucking three story house with your mom, dad, and your three SUVs, take that rad and hip stud out of your lip, remove the cute diamond from your nose, and be yourself. Until that day comes, shut the fuck up and stay away from me."
On Twitter:
"t pisses me off that EVERYONE has a cell phone, a laptop, a facebook, a myspace, email, a home phone, a GPS, and all this other SHIT and you STILL can't get in touch with them. And twitter. I knew I was forgetting something. And facebook, twitter, and myspace can all be set to go straight to your phone. STILL can't get in touch with people. And people always say "Well if only I had known I could have..."Why do you have all this wonderful technology if you WON'T FUCKING USE THE SHIT?!
<b>Twitter is fucking stupid anyway. It's the most retarded, fucking pointless goddamn shit EVER to be popular.
Twitter is the Paris Hilton of social networking. Twitter is seriously fucking useless. If it didn't exist, everyone would be the same or way better off. Same for Hilton.
Twitter is for self-absorbed, psuedo-famous popularity whores and their mindless sheep wannabes.</b>
I don't give two fucks about most people, which is WAY more than I give about knowing what you are doing each and every second of the day.
Stop being so goddamn self-absorbed and thinking the world gives a SHIT about you. Unless you're completely over-the-top famous, and even then, you do NOT need a fucking Twitter. Twitter is nothing but Facebook without the oh-so-taxing experience of typing your "About Me" section to appeal to the rest of the "unique sheep" that pretend to give a fuck."
On Jersey Shore/my generation:
Note: This was taken from a facebook posting, so I'll include the other replies.
Hugh L Batey
Jersey Shore, 16 and Pregnant/Teen Mom, and I Used to be Fat; are three of the stupidest shows ever. How pathetic is your life when you are entertained by watching other pathetic losers live theirs?
Adam Fagan Everyone likes Jersey Shore.
Stephen Barnett I disagree, Mr. Fagan. I hold only Paris Hilton in higher disregard to those ignorant, self-absorbed, psuedo-celebrity retard mindfucks and the sheep that tune in to watch them.
Hugh L Batey Thank you, Steve. I knew I could count on you for back-up on this. Why are these people celebrities?!?
Adam Fagan You kidding? Idiots + drama = hilarity of the highest degree.
Stephen Barnett I hate several things in life, but two of my top 5 are idiots, and drama. Another of the top 5: people who revel and/or derive entertainment from either of those two things. Therefore, I cannot stand Jersey Whores.
Adam Fagan Is it lonely up there on your pedestal?
Stephen Barnett
Actually, I don't get lonely at all. There are actually a fair amount of people who DON'T give in to every reality show whim that a major network tells us is the cool thing to watch.
And Hugh: They're celebrities because their own personal ...inane bullshit is an escape for people who want to ignore their own personal inane bullshit in order to feel better about themselves by laughing. It just happens that they (reality TV "stars") are lucky enough to have their idiocy filmed and broadcast to millions of sheeple all over the world.See More
Adam Fagan All entertainment is escapism. You may as well accept that truth.
Hugh L Batey There's nothing on but that stuff anymore. I usually just keep it on History Channel and hope for the best.
Stephen Barnett
No, Mr. Fagan, you are incorrect. I am entertained through several things, most of which involve self-improvement through learning new, useful things to make me either a better person or just plain happier.
The fact that I, due simply to age, am lumped into the same category as a generation that has had so much given to them only to abuse everything and turn to people like the cast of Jersey Shore, Paris Hilton, the Kardashians, and any other moron who can show some t&a to get their 15 minutes of fame...infuriates me to no end.
And then someone turns around and says ""You may as well accept that as truth" while referring to this garbage as "entertainment" just sends me over the top. This is NOT entertainment. This is a society allowing itself to self-destruct with no one giving a shit about it. As long as we're secure with our Twitter and our reality TV, who gives a damn about making sure our children are properly educated? Let's dress them like whores and see if we can get a reality show!
And I know, I know. The media pushes this down our throats, and makes it what we have! Do not blame the media for society's issues, because it's quite the other way around. The media shows us what we want to see. Which I'm kind of ok with. What I'm not ok with is when we as a culture decide that THIS is the best we have, and that's what we're ok with for ourselves.
Now, if you'll excuse me, I must use my soapbox as a step ladder to once again climb atop my lofty pedestal.See More
Adam Fagan You are lying if you are honestly insisting that those are the only things that entertain you. The rest of your post is nothing but a rant about how everything that came after you is going to shit. Every generation is the last generation. What a load.
Stephen Barnett
Actually, if you carefully read the first sentence of my post again, your first sentence becomes null and void.
"several things, **most** of which"
Now, I can enjoy mindless fun just as much as the next guy. While MOST (I'll capitalize from on, so you can follow along) of my entertainment comes from things with intelligence behind them, I also SOMETIMES enjoy watching cartoons, or the CBS Mon/Thur prime time line-ups.
And yes, it WAS indeed a rant, but if you actually paid attention (your lack of which seems to show your age, btw) you would have noticed that my "last generation" rant was actually directly and completely on-topic. I'm not exactly old enough to be bitching about "kids these days" or anything, but the people of MY generation (which could possibly include you) are, for the most part, idiots. Wanna know why they're idiots? Because they not only WATCH mindless drivel like the shows in question, but they CRAVE it. They want it to be THEIR lives. Which takes it beyond entertainment and into something much more dangerous, don't you think? How happy would you be in life if YOU had a sister, daughter, son, brother, whatever...and they had set their goal in life to be the next Snookie? Would you still feel as though your television was simply "escapism through entertainment?"
Adam Fagan
You admit to enjoying mindless entertainment, you admit to your own hypocrisy. The problem isn't mindless entertainment. If we didn't take the time to clear our heads and relax then we'd all go insane. The problem is that most people avoid... things that expand their intelligence. Some people genuinely hate learning or think they lack the capacity to learn efficiently. People avoid knowledge for different reasons. They think they don't have the time, they don't have the patience, they don't have the energy, the motivation, etc. There's no truth in lumping all of society's ills on one thing. The thing is, within the grand scheme of things, the majority of people have always been this way. Ignorance has always been the norm, intelligence is the anomaly. There is no societal degradation. It's all an illusion that has been created by eyes that have never really looked to the past.See More
Stephen Barnett
If a man breathes, then he is a hypocrite.
However, I don't believe myself to be a hypocrite (in this matter, anyway) because there is a difference between watching a collection of actors working out a script and watching reality TV. Did you notice that word there, "reality?"
I'm going to break your response down into parts, if that's ok.
"Some people genuinely hate learning..."
Those people are wasting resources that I need. Let them die off. Wall them into a town for idiots.
"They think they don't have the time, they don't have the patience, they don't have the energy, the motivation, etc."
Those people are stupid, or ignorant at best. You don't have time to learn, yet you have time to watch (just for the sake of keeping slightly on-topic) 16 and Pregnant? I'm pretty sure that Discovery or History has something on in that time slot also. You don't have the patience/the capacity to learn? Yet most of those people are fully able to memorize team rosters, stats, entire seasons of banal bullshit spouted out by bimbos? The energy to learn? I'm going to pretend you were kidding on this one...
"There's no truth in lumping all of society's ills on one thing."
Agreed. Don't get me started on Welfare, religion, politics, and drugs.
"Ignorance has always been the norm..."
Any we, as a people, fucking accept this WHY?! And it hasn't ALWAYS been that way. Ever hear of the Illuminati (The real ones, not the ones Dan Brown loves to write about)? Or, for that matter, ever hear of the Roman Empire, the Greeks, the English Royal family? The greatest civilizations this world has EVER seen...all based on leaders who valued strength of mind as well as strength of body.
"There is no societal degradation."
This isn't the most irresponsible comment I've ever heard made ONLY because it wasn't said by someone famous. To actually look at each decade, just in America, and say that there isn't a downward slant to the values, intelligence, and motivation of our culture as a whole is completely retarded. Violence, drug usage, rape, theft, honestly think that it's not worse than it was 1000 years ago, 500 years ago, a century ago, 50 years ago, a decade ago? The complete ignorance displayed by your last comment ALMOST completely destroys any argument you might have had.
I'll give you credit for proper punctuation, though.
You are far too kind