Oh I don't know about actually trying to play with someone else. I'm horrible at it, I can barely do more than ginga. lol Did you move up North yet?
That sucks about not being able to listen to music. I'm sure the soothing sound of the needle will be just fine.
What other tats do you have?
That sucks about not being able to listen to music. I'm sure the soothing sound of the needle will be just fine.

So I asked my friend is he has ever heard of this cross and he's been into this for about 4 years and has never heard of it. Is this like a thing with your group, cause in all my reading, I've never seen it either. hmmm

HA... yes finally i got out of metro PCS.... (my EX phone service) now im with cingular... i have the most awesome, amazing phone in the world..... Pantech Duo C810.... OMG.... windows mobile 6.0 check my e-mail, get on aim, record videos with good resolution, pics, with a 2GB Micro sd..... i even have a drum'n'bass mix of 50min on my phone its just BRUTAL..!!!!...
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that seriously is a hot phone. I just got thenew krazr. Turns out it has an amazing camera, prefectly clear music and a million options....
I just can't hear a damn thing when someone calls. It's a great everything but phone.
I just can't hear a damn thing when someone calls. It's a great everything but phone.

what ive been doing in the last year
I think I'm good for now on the lessons. Turns out once people down here hear you want to learn, everyone is eager to teach! One of my employees will only speak to me in Spanish now. It's crazy. But thanks, though, you're sweet for offering. I just have so much on my plate right now.
You are right, though. At some point, you just have to make a decision to better yourself and move in that direction. I'm trying to do a lot of that these days.
You are right, though. At some point, you just have to make a decision to better yourself and move in that direction. I'm trying to do a lot of that these days.

Hey, you had a request? 

ok... this is gonna be my christmas... probably go to a drum'n'bass party.. get fuuuuuck up... enjoy the night... then on sunday smoke some hookah... get kind of drunk... on monday chill... smoke some more... play some 360... then after 12 go to a random party... get drunk... fuuuuuck up again... drink some more rum.. and on tuesday chill.. probably go to everglades illegally...
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ok... this is gonna be my christmas... probably go to a drum'n'bass party.. get fuuuuuck up... enjoy the night... then on sunday smoke some hookah... get kind of drunk... on monday chill... smoke some more... play some 360... then after 12 go to a random party... get drunk... fuuuuuck up again... drink some more rum.. and on tuesday chill.. probably go to everglades illegally...
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OMG what a bloody crazy awesome movie..!!!!!!
OMG what a bloody crazy awesome movie..!!!!!!
yeah the flag is like 5 years old so it definitely has 7 stars. I like to keep it "old skool" with the flag lol.
How was your trip to Maracaibo by the way?
& we'll see about GH...i need a bit more practice
How was your trip to Maracaibo by the way?
& we'll see about GH...i need a bit more practice

i got new pics...
some new.. some old... hope u enjoy...

I've been playing Guitar Hero II and smoking hookah the whole weekend.. and i realized that pretty much thats all i do.. go out with my friends talk shit.. smoke hookah i come back to my little ass rented room.. and play on my 360... hmm... and i ask my self... im i happy... well... theres a lot of ppl out there unhappy... witch i...
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I know how you feel darling
& i love your comments. I don't really let that job rule my life, it's just an annoyance sometimes. but i need it. it's so hard for me to find a job because i don't have a car so i'm always depending on people to drive me everywhere. i get payed $8 per hour by the way
as fro your situation goes. welcome to the United States of of the debts & "freedom" [freedom supervised by the government 24/7 lol]. It is kind of a hassle to live on your own here but its much better than where we come from. That is the reason why i still live with my parents & will continue to until i get a better paying job...or until they kick me out. whichever one comes first. so hang in there

as fro your situation goes. welcome to the United States of of the debts & "freedom" [freedom supervised by the government 24/7 lol]. It is kind of a hassle to live on your own here but its much better than where we come from. That is the reason why i still live with my parents & will continue to until i get a better paying job...or until they kick me out. whichever one comes first. so hang in there

Looking for something to do.... besides working everyday and sit in front on my computer.... i go to parys every now and then but is not the same.... any suggestion..?
yay! someone agrees with me. They're the worse fucking drivers too.
& regarding you doing something...since we live in Satan's Asshole all we can do is go to the beach & get some good ol' skin cancer
& regarding you doing something...since we live in Satan's Asshole all we can do is go to the beach & get some good ol' skin cancer