Ooooooh maaaannn.
I want this dress:
soooooo bad.
Ha, I'd ask you guys to be the sweetest people ever, but I don't know many of you that well and would feel really bad if someone got it for me.
Damn my manners.
Also, Crash miss her friend Punch.

I want this dress:

soooooo bad.
Ha, I'd ask you guys to be the sweetest people ever, but I don't know many of you that well and would feel really bad if someone got it for me.

Damn my manners.
Also, Crash miss her friend Punch.
Yeah, I was really happy to have them back in, but they got super infected from kissing I guess, HA. So I had to take them out, but I am going to try in a few months again, and this next time I am going to do anything to make sure they heal correctly, they are my favorite piercings in the whole world, hell they always said third times a charm, lets hope their right!
It would probably be way too long on me though hahah!