Marie flew down on the 19th, and we spent her first day here buying groceries for her and discovering this really great pizza place called Si's Pizzeria.
Then on the 21st, we went to Blockbuster, and I set up a card since I lost the one I was on with my mum. We got Pan's Labyrinth and this four part Japanese horror movie called Rampo Noir.
Rampo Noir was way better than I thought it would be, and Pan's Labyrinth wasn't. Although still a great movie, I really didn't feel like it deserved all of the attention it got. The artistry was wonderful though... heh... it was pretty great in Rampo Noir, as well.

She's dead... and he likes being one with her.
And no, it's not what you're thinking... it's probably worse.

Warped Tour was on the 23rd. We saw Family Force 5, The Vincent Black Shadow, Bayside, Bad Religion, The K-O's, Split Fifty, and a bunch of completely random bands that we stumbled in half-set. Family Force 5 reminded me of Mindless Self Indulgence a little. The Vincent Black Show was pretty much a harder No Doubt knock-off. Bayside is a guilty pleasure, so that was nice. The K-O's dragged my down to the Hurley stage from the main path, so I guess they were pretty good. Bad Religion was the entire reason we went, and their set was FUCKing amazing... the only way I can word it. It started raining right before they came on, and didn't stop until Red Jumpsuit Apparatas came on on the 13 Stage. Split Fifty is probably my new favorite band. Marie took them up on their "Best Deal at Warped Tour" deal. $20 gets you a t-shirt, a pin, a sticker, a poster, and their full-length cd (which they claim on the poster isn't out until this fall.) The lead singer sounds like that of a lot of alt./emo bands, but the writing is pretty great, and that's what I go for anyway. Marie took all the cds (and left everything except the cd from the Split Fifty deal) we collected, but I burnt them onto blanks before she left. All in all, I feel like Bad Religion was great enough that I'd go back next year just to see them if no one else.
Yesterday, my mom used her free passes and we went out to Rockhill to the Charlotte Raptor Center. I'm glad it was free, because it really wasn't that great. But the money goes toward to bird's, so... eh, my morality is torn. Regardless, I've come to the conclusion that owl's are the greatest birds ever, and that vultures and condors definitely make me think of the Skeksis from the Dark Crystal.
And Marie went home this morning. On the way back from the airport, we went to Dunkin' Donuts. I got a plain white cake doughnut, and a Strawberry Coffee Coolata. Now, here's something, the Strawberry Coolata is offered underneath the Coffee Coolate section on the wall menu, but it doesn't have any coffee flavor/coffee to it. In fact, the only thing under that particular menu that does is the actual Coffee Coolata. I personally feel like that is misleading. Eh, I was terribly disappointed, and kept swiping sips from my mom's drink instead of my own.
But my doughnut was good.
And so is Split Fifty.
EDIT: I put my snakebites back in. Wish I hadn't taken out the one that was right next to a nerve... it uh, isn't feeling its best right now. But I think my pain tolerance is shrinking... I also don't think shrinking is the right word.
Also, here's a photo my mum took of Marie, my little sister, and I at the Raptor Center. Kind of makeshift Charlie's Angels-esque, right?
and i happened to looooove pans labyrinth but my man didnt.
you look adoreable!
Transformers was wicked! Given that nearly every film based on a previous idea is usually under par i don't see what else they could have done! it was funny, it had action from beginning to end, the robots looked awesome...