You should buy this:

It's a limited edition scent, and it's freaking amazing.
And, it's only $3.
Also, the lip gloss they sell, although expensive (for me, anyway...) is amazing.
It has great shine, and tastes amazing.
Edit: I forgot, they're from Bath and Body Works.
They have a seasonal trio pack of the lip gloss right now, too.
Lime, Grapefruit, and something else. Another citrus, I'm sure.
I really wish I'd bought them. =/

It's a limited edition scent, and it's freaking amazing.
And, it's only $3.
Also, the lip gloss they sell, although expensive (for me, anyway...) is amazing.
It has great shine, and tastes amazing.
Edit: I forgot, they're from Bath and Body Works.
They have a seasonal trio pack of the lip gloss right now, too.
Lime, Grapefruit, and something else. Another citrus, I'm sure.
I really wish I'd bought them. =/
I am fucking obsessed with this lotion....
Orange creamsicle ftw!

You are way too sweet, seriously, you must have tooth aches all the time, thank you for the compliments. We bleeding romantics should start a monologue of our own, lord knows I have enough crap to make somebody cringe.
I must warn you, tattoos are addicting, I wasn't even through the first one and I was already deciding what I wanted to get next.
I feel the exact way, which is why I am glad that I am becoming a hairstylist because at least some people won't discriminate, but so far I haven't gotten any crap, although because of my vertical labret, I haven't been able to get a job. *sigh*